More threads by Ashley-Kate

I was recently informed over the phone by my doctor's office that I have low potassium. My doctor wants to see me tomorrow to check with me what we do next, hospitalisation being one of the options. I am scared a bit because I am afraid I wont have much to say in it all and at the same time I fear that hospitalisation may be one of the only options. I see my doctor at 8h tomorrow morning. I want to be the type of person that just gives up control and lets people help me but I am afraid of letting go and trusting.
Second that Ashley do what your doctor recommends ok potassium levels need to be kept in check so follow through with your doctor do what is best for YOU hun ok

---------- Post Merged at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 02:50 PM ----------

How are you hun Hope you and your doctor have talked and you are now either in hospital or getting potassium supplements Let us know how you are doing ok hugs
I truly hate my doctor at the moment well ever since the appointment but i have been to crazy to actually write about how it went, so anyway i have many problems with my blood tests results but in my dr. opinion all i have to do is stop throwing up or start eating again and everything will be fine he will see me in 3 weeks he also decided that my meds were not high enough yet so i am at 337.5 now. I am frustrated because although he knows about my eating disorder and my blood work is not good he didn'T take my vitals he hasn't in 5 months in spite of a significant weight loss and potassium problems. He talks to me for 5 minutes in his office tells me how i can simply fix everything if i just stop having an eating disorder and then sends me on my way. wow like i didn't think about that, no i thought if i keep purging i am going to be healthy oh and if i keep starving myself my health will be fine.. REALLY, were did he get his diploma in a cereal box. He also feels that the medication will eventually stop the eating disorder behaviors all together we just haven't reached the proper dosage yet. lovely my doctor thinks pills will solve everything. I am furious. I realise that i have an eating disorder i realize that its my problem i am the one causing it but i would like him to realise that its not that easy to stop, if it was that easy i wouldnt have needed 11 hospitalizations 5 day programs and multiples therapies to be were i am at today still sick. I feel helpless and frustrated because i feel nothing will help me i have a dr. who can even give me more than 5 minutes in an office, I am still sick. I am turning 24 in less than a week and i am still sick. In many cases of eating disorder deaths they are not caused by complications but by suicide and i am pretty much going down that path in my head write now. simply waiting for my heart to stop beating because of a potassium deficiency is not enough its too slow, i am sick of being sick i am sick of being crazy i am sick of feeling disgusted with myself i am sick of simply being in general i haven't slept in 3 days because the meds i am supposed to be taking never remain long enough in my body to actually be absorbed but my dr. didn't take the time to ask me about if my bulimia is interfering in my capacity to take my meds.. so i went from 300mg of Effexor to 0mg. I don't know what to do and the thing is i am sick of trying to do anything anymore going to an appointment with a dr. that simply doesn't care going to see a shrink when the eventual outcome to this whole eating disorder-depression-OCD- PTSD is never going to be good I am tired. sorry to sound pathetic and crazy and paranoid. i guess i am but at the same time i am sick of hearing that i will make it i will get better i am strong i am sick of everything. sorry for being such a crazy person but then again this is the only place i feel i can say whats really going on to simply vent to get it out of me to try to find some kind of calm.
Thanks for getting back to us hun. I am sorry your doctor appt did not go so well for you Ashley I think too he is frustrated with not being able to help you as he would like too. I hope increase in medication does help but if you are not keeping it down you should ask your doctor if there is an injection form of the medication that you can take. Are you still getting therapy if not perhaps that too should be reinstated Hugs to you hun it is a very hard illness and no no one can just stop being sick they need help and support hun and i hope you have a therapist who can help you through all this. hugs
um effexor you stopped completely not a good move hun you don't stop these meds like that cold turkey and you were not at optiminum level yet to see if it would help you

Does your doctor know you stopped it Ashley I understand your frustration i do hun but you need to tell your doc what is happening ok or he cannot help you hugs

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Absolutely. As noted, you should not stop Effexor cold turkey and things are only going to get worse for you without it. When did you stop?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Ashley, you need to get into see your doctor as soon as possible and resume Effexor, possibly with a lower dose and then increasing again.

Call and get an emergency appointment now. If none is available soon, go into ER and get advice there.
I really dont see the need to go back and see im especially that i am still sort of mad and dont trust him at all with my health, i dont think not taking the meds can cause any more damage to my health than i am already causing. is it that dangerous... i have been off them for about a week now and i am not too messed up


Flu-like symptoms may occur when the medication is stopped abruptly. These symptoms include headache, muscle ache, cough and fever. These symptoms may present within a few days and last up six weeks; however, the symptoms are mild and decrease with time if the drug is tapered off appropriately, explains the "Drug Information Handbook."

Effexor may produce many adverse effects on normal behavior when stopped suddenly. The patient may exhibit agitation, anxiety, irritability, confusion, depressed mood and nervousness. The frequency of these side effects increases when a large dose was given and with a longer duration of treatment, states If the patient experiences withdrawal effects, he should be placed on the previous dose and tapered more slowly.

Gastrointestinal side effects that may occur when Effexor is stopped suddenly include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Loss of appetite and dry mouth may also be present with Effexor withdrawal, reports

Discontinuing Effexor abruptly may cause several symptoms on the brain, such as impaired coordination, dizziness, fatigue, headache, drowsiness and tremor or shaking, according to the "Drug Information Handbook." These symptoms may be severe enough to interfere with the performance of daily activities. Sensory disturbances, such as shock-like electrical sensations, nightmares and difficulty sleeping may also occur. The patient should use caution when performing normal activities such as driving, and activities that require concentration.

Lowering the dose and discontinuing Effexor in patients who have worsening depression or suicidal ideation should be done with caution. explains that the patient should be monitored closely when being properly tapered off the drug, especially if the patient's symptoms are severe, have a sudden onset or have presented during treatment.

You hun need to stop now and go get that help ok enough you go and get the help you will need to get stable IT can happen and will happen when you stay with the program when you stay on the medication I know it is hard dam it i am also one that does exactly what you are doing but hun YOU deserve help okay YOU deserve healing so please hun do what is right ok call your doctor go to emergency and get back on the meds with help of a professional
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