More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Praise for Psychotherapy
Dr. Deborah Serani
Friday, February 27, 2009

"I've seen psychiatrists in my time, so songwriting hasn't always worked. It's not a bad idea to have someone to talk to." ~ Sir Paul McCartney

"Counselling saved Bill and me." ~ Hillary Clinton

"Talk therapy and antidepressants jump-started me out of my blackness." ~ Sheryl Crow

"Talking matters." ~ George Stephanopoulos

"I love being in therapy. It's just constantly fulfilling for me." ~ Jennifer Jason Leigh

"You know, I think that going into therapy is a very positive thing, and talking about it is really helpful, because the more you talk the more your fears fade, because you get it out." ~ Fran Drescher

"Therapy saved my life. It was either therapy or die." ~ Mickey Rourke

“I’m big on therapy." ~ Eva Mendes

"I know a lot of people think therapy is about sitting around staring at your own navel - but it's staring at your own navel with a goal. And the goal is to one day to see the world in a better way and treat your loved ones with more kindness and have more to give." ~ Hugh Laurie

"I've been in group therapy. I'm always keeping my mental health in check." ~ Halle Berry.

"I was almost 50 before I felt able to face the things that lay at the heart of my [troubles], but all the therapy I've had subsequently has been of help." ~ Joan Baez

"My dreams are pretty vivid. I talk about them in therapy." ~ Robin Williams
thanks its good to see even impt people need therapy and your right psychologist are great people i don't know how they hear so much saddness and are able to carry on with their lives they are just caring people who want to help


Mary said:
Psychologists are great people; I don't know how they hear so much sadness and are able to carry on with their lives. They are just caring people who want to help.

Yes, most psychologists are compassionate people whose goal is to help.

It should be understood, however, that in their professional training they learn to understand the reason the client is experiencing the sadness, or distorted thinking. The psychologist can then offer the client various strategies that can correct the cause.

If the cause is due to an illness that requires medical intervention, the psychologist might work with a physician who can treat the illness to help overcome the sadness, or distorted thinking that might be at the root of the tragedy in the person's life.

Aand while it's true that people with mental illness can have tragedy in their lives, mental health providers focus on how to correct the cause of the problem.

As you said, Mary, that well known people are willing to speak out publicly about their own positive experience with therapy, the stigma that causes some people to avoid therapy is whittled away.
great article. i think it is so important for famous people to speak out about it and i do commend them for it. i'm not sure i'd have the courage but then again they are used to being in the limelight. i think it really helps for the famous to be open about this because it reaches people.
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