More threads by Andy


I get to go to the dentist again. Hopefully they actually wrote down my appointment. I felt like they blamed it on me last time but the same new girl phoned me last week and left a message (I rarely answer my phone) saying that I had some really over due fillings that needed filling and to call and make an appointment. I have no fillings in need of filling. I told the other girl about the message so that they could call the real person and the normal receptionist went "tsk" *swear* some girls name. Now I don't feel like I was being blamed but I feel bad that I may have gotten the girl in trouble.

I want some of what he is on. Might knock me out. A shot of haldol would be great! Once.

Kid coming off anesthesia from dentist (old video)

YouTube - David After Dentist

This video shows some dental equipment being used-in case your afraid or grossed out by the dentist. It also has the creepy drill noise.

YouTube - Dentists Greece: Mr Bean goes to the dentist


Don't feel bad over that. She wouldn't get in trouble if she did the right thing and we all make mistakes.

That first video is kinda funny but when he says 'Is this real life?' is kinda sad.

Sometimes i ask myself that question when i am sober.


Haha don't worry i wasn't so sober on Saturday night. I was drinking Green Chartreuse :eek:mg:

Meanwhile Mr Bean looks so young in that video. I love his teddy.


I don't know what Green Chartreuse is, I don't think I do anyway, but it sounds like it could be green?

Mr.Bean does look young there. I wonder why he didn't bring his Teddy Bear to the dentist?

I am not looking forward to going outside. I haven't been out to clear the snow off my car since it snowed and it is going to be high. It's -26 and I didn't have any energy to go and plug my car in so I am hoping that she (my cars name) starts.


Hehe yes it is most certainly green. Monks make it.

-26...i can't even comprehend that kind of temperature.

You have to plug your car in?


Oh Yum, I bet that stuff is really good. I use to do land reclamation type work and we ended up doing work on a Hutterite colony. They make everything from the land. The one Elder invited us in to his home to sign some documents and his wife fed us this awesome homemade meal and then they brought out their wine. Wow! Back then I could handle myself just fine drinking with the guys so when I say I had quite the buzz going from a glass and a half...that was strong stuff!! :whistle:

The temp is chilly, I think you would like it. A shock to your system! lol
We have to plug the batteries in our cars in to power, or else the battery goes dead from the cold weather.
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