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Thanks to everyone for their support.It has been a while since I last posted due to the fact that I have been ultra sensitive and had some issues with my therapist. The latest one was when I had a bad reaction to the meds he prescribed and he never even called me and finally I had it out with him. He suggested going back to therapy twice a week.

He has triggered feelings I would get with my family. All I asked was that he give me a new prescription and for whatever reason, he did not call and I lost my temper because I was feeling he wasn't taking me seriously. That is one thing that gets me into a state. I went off the meds before I saw him and ended up having what I call a meltdown and I ended up in the ER twice in a week. I have been going for therapy with him for almost 20 years and I guess because it has been so long, I am more apt to expect things from him.

Has anyone else on this forum ever had therapy that long with the same therapist? He doesn't think it is too long. One other thing...I wonder why sometimes I say to myself that I am overreacting to what happened to me when I was young and the therapist does not like that one. He says I don't want to accept what happened. Any insight from anyone? i would appreciate it. Thanks
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Re: Please be sensitive to potential triggers

Im just starting therapy so can't help you there. Just know I hope you get the answers you need to heal.

Take care mary
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The longest that I was ever with a therapist was 8 years. It did not end well and with no closure for me. I couldn't imagine being with a therapist for 20 years although I am sure that if mine didn't leave then I would probably still be with her. I now see though that I wasn't making any progress in getting better and it wasn't until I found a new therapist that I am progressing.

Now this is not to say that you should find yourself a new therapist but if you are having difficulty with him and need more from him that I really would suggest talking to him about the difficulties. If they can't be resolved, it may be time to look for someone else and a fresh approach.

Take care


Thanks for the feedback. I don't know how to feel? First of all I feel I am so angry at my therap?st for making me feel like my family did and yet at the same time I keep getting this voice saying to me that it wasn't that bad and that others have had worse abuse. Then there is another voice saying it WAS that bad and that is why I feel the way I do. I wonder if the therapist did this to bring the pain to the surface so I would have to look at it. If that is the case, then I think it is not the best way to help me.
Hi Dasha hang in there. I can relate to what your feeling but as I am finding out therapist don't say anything or do anything without a reason. They really just a looking for ways for us to heal, to help us get intouch with our emotions, to look at them and help us deal with them.

Im sure he only has your best interest but definitely talk to him about how you are feeling okay got to keep things out in the open for therapy to work thats what im told.

Take care mary
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sending :support: your way. I've been seeing my psychiatrist for 10 years and, unlike anything she's ever done before, she hasn't got back to respond to any of my calls in the last month or two. Said to be very busy. I'm also having to consider the prospect of losing her support so I can empathize.
Take good care and hang in there..


Ah so you know how it feels when the call doesn't come. I find it frustrating and feel dismissed at times. I saw my therapist this morning and told him how I had been feeling about his actions. He did not say much, but I felt better just getting it all out. Don't know how it will all work out, but I am doing all I can right now.



I think that it was a great thing that you were honest with your therapist about how you are feeling and about his actions. While he may not have said much, what you told him may have caught him off guard and also, he may need to digest that information in order to respond properly the next time.

Either did great by not letting your feelings manifest.

Take care and let us know how your next session goes.


Ah so you know how it feels when the call doesn't come. I find it frustrating and feel dismissed at times. I saw my therapist this morning and told him how I had been feeling about his actions. He did not say much, but I felt better just getting it all out. Don't know how it will all work out, but I am doing all I can right now.
Yes, we're in a similar place, althought I have hope of seeing my dr again. All you can do is your best :)
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