More threads by David Baxter PhD

6 figure salaries huh? Looks like I'm in the wrong profession. I'm sure I could do some dodgy applied math.
I didn't realise so many people actually believed in that stuff.
Speaking of odd beliefs, there was someone at work a couple of years ago who mentioned something to do with a healing crystal. I laughed, assuming they were joking. A few minutes later, they and their friend were discussing crystals and their spiritual energy with obvious sincerity.
I can understand the aesthetic appeal of crystals and interest in their geological formation (I used to have a mini collection of them myself as a kid - my favourite being a little chunk of amethyst) but... honestly what are they thinking?


It’s 2018. I’m surprised too. It just goes to show: There will never be any shortage of stupid on our planet.

The famous quote (Attributed and debated as to wether he actually used it: P.T. Barnum) " There's a sucker born every minute"

My personal version of the quote adds: "... and for every sucker there be 2 morons!" :D

Daniel E.
Another quote:

"Science is a candle in the dark."

- Carl Sagan
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Daniel, really hate to be the one to break this to you this but Star Trek, just the the Easter Bunny (and the magical powers of crystals) is not real.

Sorry dude ;)


Speaking of odd beliefs, there was someone at work a couple of years ago who mentioned something to do with a healing crystal. I laughed, assuming they were joking.

you laughed! :eek:mg:
Yup gooblax you definitely need help with your social skills :rofl:
I know... Bad Gary ;)
you laughed! :eek:mg:
Yup gooblax you definitely need help with your social skills :rofl:
I know... Bad Gary ;)
:lol: To be fair, if it had been a comment from any of my engineer team mates I'm sure it would have been a joke. But this person was from the legal department. :panic:
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