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Hi I am new here. Please excuse any typos/grammatical errors. I am very anxious. I really need some advice/insight. I have been seeing a PhD for five and a half months. Most of our therapy sessions have been via phone. I was busy last semester with my psychology thesis therefore we agreed do phone sessions.

Last week he terminated therapy saying, "I don't think I can help you." I wondered what changed his mind. Well, I found out that he was told I sued an MD (plastic surgeon) a year before.

After he told me he was terminating, I asked for a copy of my records. I as sent via certified mail these so-called records. Each and every page is dated with simply a 3-5 sentence quote I said that session via phone. To begin, the quotes are completely accurate. My point here is that his records are incomplete. This is a violation per APA standards which defines incomplete records as "Psychologists create, and to the extent the records are under their control, maintain, disseminate, store, retain, and dispose of records and data relating to their professional and scientific work.

Moreover, today I discovered he taped our session. He called me for our scheduled appointment at 3:30. About 40 minutes later, I heard a beeping noise. Subsequently, it was a digital 'voice' of an answering machine which indicated that "you have exceeded the maximum recording limit." I was in shock and asked, were you recording me." Nonchalantly he replied, yes." I was shocked and immediately disconnected the call.

Per APA Standard: 4.03 Recording
Before recording the voices or images of individuals to whom they provide services, psychologists obtain permission from all such persons or their legal representatives.

I later left him a message informing him he was in violation of the above-mentioned standards an interesting note: the incomplete records which after informing him then records were incomplete and he was in violation of standard XYX he claimed that he has other records that were sent by "mistake." The records I was mailed by him simply contained 5 and half months of 3-5 sentences of word-for word quotes minus any input or treatment plan by him. There is absolutely no record of suicidal ideation, him speaking to my Pdoc, no assessment of me other than an insurance form which was mandatory to fill out. These, are not *complete* records which is what I requested in writing. Moreover, you can visually see that he has used an old typewriter to modify some of the emails. It is very obvious the records have been tampered with. Thus, not only are they incomplete but they have also been changed.

I know that I have limited recourse. I could file an APA complaint which would turn into a year long process. That is, he would be interviewed, I would be interviewed, the records would be examined, etc. Also, there is an interview with six other psychologists’. Since this PhD practices in the suburbs, has been a PhD in the are for over 40+ years - these APA hearing members who review the case are colleagues of this PhD. Because I am in the state capitol, this is where hearing for New York State are handled. Therefore, asking for a change in the APA panel i.e., the six psychologists, is not even an option.

Any suggestions and/or thoughts about the taping and records? or where to go from here?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I could file an APA complaint which would turn into a year long process. That is, he would be interviewed, I would be interviewed, the records would be examined, etc. Also, there is an interview with six other psychologists’. Since this PhD practices in the suburbs, has been a PhD in the are for over 40+ years - these APA hearing members who review the case are colleagues of this PhD. Because I am in the state capitol, this is where hearing for New York State are handled. Therefore, asking for a change in the APA panel i.e., the six psychologists, is not even an option.
Complaints are investigated by the licensing body. Believe me, the licensing body makes it crystal clear that they consider themselves to be working for the public, not for psychologists. Those who work for the licensing bodies do so because of their concerns about wrongdoing or unprofessional behavior in the profession. They will not brush anything under the rug to protect the psychologist in question.

If you feel you have a valid complaint, you should file a formal complaint with the APA.
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