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I had a session with my trauma therapist yesterday and we got into a discussion about PTSD and the diagnostic criteria and PTS. She was saying that I probably no longer fit the criteria for PTSD but probably for PTS.

Is there a distinction? What are the differences with criteria and symptoms?

I have been doing a bit of research and I can't find anything on Post Traumatic Stress but mountains of information on PTSD.


It would be interesting LL,
I can't linger to read more tonight but will keep an eye out for the info.
For now,

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don't think there is an actual diagnosis called "post traumatic stress". There is one called "Acute Stress Disorder" which refers to reactions occurring within the first 4 weeks of the traumatic incident with symproms lasting no longer than 2 days to 4 weeks.
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