More threads by forgetmenot


Your reality seems to be masked by your depression V. That is so not true at all. I obviously don't know the whole situation but I would tend to believe with how generous you are with support, that things are and always will be better for her with you here. :support:
just got home 306am in emerg all night with someone called ambulance let professionals look after her now we are both home im tired so tired
biopsy back for my twin she has rare muscle disease christ how the hell did she get that she fights to get her life back stable now 2 yrs now this see see reality see see dam
i don't understand why this family keeps getting more and more ill bad news yet again i don't know why it keeps happening you would think we had our share but no

Today my girl cancer scare now tired so tired of this of constantly trying to push forward only to have them be pushed back again reality is so dark it really is


MVP, Forum Supporter
There really is too much of a share of ill health for some... hope the latest things only turn out to be a scare...

Thinking of you.... xx
her cells were abnormal went back and they continue to change told her come back in 6 mths to be tested again hell 6 mths really what if it is cancer xxxxxx really 6 mths to wait and see dam eh
cells are still abnormal she is to return again in 6 mths hel just hell for a 4th visit now they even don't have that she went 8mths ago they told her it had be 13mths ago
well i took her out of a school appt it was sept 17 she was there last not 13mths ago so w here is her records of that treatment gone' will phone office tomorrow and get that corrected blaming her for not being there when she was i took her
doesn't matter the cells are still changing not good news not good news at all


Really sorry to hear that forgetmenot, sorry to hear there is still so much uncertainty in this situation, hope she will be ok, you're in my thoughts x


MVP, Forum Supporter
I am sorry Forgetmenot.

Although it is always much more reassuring to get completely normal results, keep in mind that abnormalities can exist without being dangerous, and some people have healthy long, lo-o-ng periods of time where they continue keeping an eye on something unusual, and it actually never turns into anything that is a threat or danger. x
I know i know just nurse said doc was worried that all so it go me worried some too oh dear but if it was worse i am sure they would have her back earlier
told my girl she really should book appointment with her gp so he could explain more to her what the results were
tired that all i just wanted better news for her we are doing everything to get things to change all these immun meds diet changes hell she exercise so much walks every where im am sure al lwill be ok right it will but when one reads about this it also says prolonged changes in the cells can and will turn cancerous
i don't know how long i can be here for her i don't know but she will be ok she will
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