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Removing Tattoos: Who Does It and Why
July 21, 2008

Study Shows More Women Than Men Decide to Get Rid of a Tattoo

It seemed a good idea at the time. But you were young, wild, and in love with Roland. Now you are getting married to Ed and you want Roland's name off your right calf.

It seems that when it comes to getting tattoos removed, more women than men go in for the procedure.

Researchers compared results of a 1996 study to a 2006 study looking at how people feel about their tattoos. Participants were people who came to four dermatology clinics in Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts, and Texas. The study was led by Myrna L. Armstrong, RD, EdD, of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.

In background information presented with the findings, the researchers write "the vast majority of individuals who are tattooed are pleased with their skin markings (up to 83%)."

Apparently about a fifth are estimated to be unhappy with their tattoos, while "only about 6% seek removal."

In the 2006 study, researchers interviewed 196 tattooed people; 130 of them were women and 66 were men.

The researchers found that today more women (69%) than men (31%) came in to get tattoos removed.

According to the 2006 study, a typical woman who gets a tattoo is between the ages of 24 and 29.

Most women with tattoos are white, college educated, and unmarried. They describe themselves as "risk takers, from stable families, with moderate to strong religious beliefs."

More women are motivated to get the tattoo removed because of pressure from others or social stigma.

The top six reasons both men and women gave for tattoo removal:

  • 58% just decided to remove it.
  • 57% suffered embarrassment.
  • 38% had lowered body image.
  • 38% new job/career.
  • 37% problem with clothes.
  • 25% experienced stigma.
Why People Get Tattoos
The 2006 study shows people get tattoos for these reasons:

  • 44% wanted to feel unique.
  • 33% wanted to feel independent.
  • 28% wanted to bring attention to a particular life experience.
The researchers write that one out of four American adults aged 18 to 30 has a tattoo.

In both studies, the main reason for wanting to get rid of a tattoo was that people had a "shift in their identities," and wanted to do away with the past.

The findings appear in the Archives of Dermatology.

Source WebMD

(Do you have tattoos?) Have you ever considered having any removed?
I have six tattoos I have one I do not like only because no one know's what it is when they look at it. There is some stuff called wrecking balm its supposed to get rid of tattoos i've herd it works well if you use it as directed.


I have two tattoos and covering one of them with a bigger and better one has crossed my mind. I got them when I was alot younger probably rebelling ( it wasnt as common 12 years ago). Now I want something nicer I just dont know what so I won't be getting any until I am absolutely sure :jiggy:


Would anyone one care to share their tattoo in a tasteful photo, cropped to illustrate only the tattoo artistry without showing significant anatomy, particulalry if the tattoo resides on a generally accepted private body area.

Your good taste and consideration for sensitive members is appreciated.



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I can't show you but I can tell you what they are. I have a unicorn, wolf howling at the moon and a dreamcatcher


Hi, I have one tattoo I regret and one I wish to cover over somehow. Has anyone had a tattoo they regreted and decided to cover it over with something that feels better such as a new tattoo since that maybe the easiest way to fix regrets.


I have thought about doing that with one of mine Shanny. I am hesitant because I wonder if it will cover over, or if you will be able to slightly see the old tat. If you get it done, please post as to how it turns out. :2thumbs:


I of course am hoping to know if other's have then I will forsure do it. You hate to make things worse of course! It isn't that there not nice or well done , it is more personal taste then anything...
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