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this month has been a roller coaster ride. I was depressed then I was feeling good and noticed such a difference in mood (better) and now I am depressed again. It feels like a different kind of depression. I feel sad about things that haven't happened for example my parents dying, and worrying about my siblings, and also Im stressed about going back to school and feeling guilty about spending more money on education. Really guilty, then a sadness to it. Then maybe I shouldnt do it then, but it is what I really want to do but the guilt is killing me. I am also anxious for no reason. Are there different types of depression? Or is this a degree of depression that I can't recognize?


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The stress of going back to school could do it, certainly with feeling axious.

I know for myself, hormones have played a big part of my feelings being all over the place.

One thing that does come to my mind Boi are your eating habits. Do you have breakfast in the morning with a bit of protein? Blood sugar can play havoc with emotions. Too much coffee can also mimic anxiety symptoms too.

If your really worried mention this to your doctor. There are different types of depression, so you may want to read the Sticky's in the Depression section here on the forum.

Take care Boi. :)



I can definitely relate to the anxieties about "what if". I have often had my anxiety level increase when thinking too far into the future thinking about if this, what if that. What I find that has helped is to try and keep my focus on the present and what is happening right now. It sounds like school is the most pressing issue for you right now and you may want to explore with your therapist your feelings of guilt around why you think that spending money on an education, which is a positive thing, is overwhelming you.

In addition to the Depression section on the forum you may also want to check out the Anxiety and Stress section which may help with ways to relieve or decrease your anxieties.

Take care


One thing that does come to my mind Boi are your eating habits. Do you have breakfast in the morning with a bit of protein?

I dont eat a good breakfast. I sometimes do not eat breakfast. It's always been an issue for me....breakfast that is....I need to try harder
thanks for the advice


I have often had my anxiety level increase when thinking too far into the future thinking about if this, what if that. What I find that has helped is to try and keep my focus on the present and what is happening right now.

I always look far too much into the future. You are probably right about the anxiety levels increasing by not focusing on the present. I will discuss this with my therapist...
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Hi Boi

Lady is right that you need a good breakfast with some protein..My therapist told me that anxiety seems to be at the highest in the morning,and thats when I felt it the most.

You are going to be making changes soon,like going back to school and that no doubt contributes to the anxiety..

Depression can cause anxiety and anxiety can cause depression,it's a double edged sword,and you should not feel guilty :) As for the future,you cannot see what will happen in the future and projecting what may happen is causing you more stress and you don't need that

Please talk about how you are feeling with your therapist :)
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