More threads by naiad


Hi! I am a newbie who stumbled upon this forum by sheer hazard. I am a married woman with 2 teenagers (pretty good ones at that!). A couple of years back, I returned to full-time studies so my time is severely limited by classes, homework and familial demands. Psychology has always interested me & this will be an opportunity to share this interest with others. I look forward to reading your posts!


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Welcome to Psychlinks Naiad :welcome2: And looking forward to seeing you around the forum. :)


Thank you all for the warm and sincere welcome. You seem to be an open and inquisitive crowd! I have lurked in a few threads and I have read several posts. You guys really have set the bar high! Hopefully, as soon as I get some of this homwork out of the way, I'll be able to add my 2 cents to the discussion.


Welcome to Psychlinks, Naiad :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and I hope to see you around :wave:


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