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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Scrupulosity: What It Is and Why It’s Dangerous
Beyond Blue
Tuesday February 7, 2012

If you sprinkle a hefty dose of Catholic (or Jewish) guilt unto a fragile biochemistry headed toward a severe mood disorder, you usually arrive at some kind of a religious nut. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! For I am one.

I have said many places that growing up Catholic, for me, was both a blessing and a curse.

A blessing in that my faith became a refuge for me, a retreat (no pun intended) where my disordered thinking could latch unto practices and traditions that made me feel normal. Catholicism, with all of its rituals and faith objects, provided me a safe place to go for comfort and consolation, to hear I wasn’t alone, and that I would be taken care of. It was, and has been throughout my life, a source of hope. And any speck of hope is what keeps me alive when I am suicidal.

But my fervent faith was also a curse in that, with all of its stuff (medals, rosaries, icons, statues), it dressed and disguised my illness as piety. So instead of taking me to the school psychologist or to a mental health professional, the adults in my life considered me a very holy child, a religious prodigy with a curiously intense faith.

For anyone prone to OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), religion can serve as a trap within a sanctuary. For me, my scrupulosity in primary school was like a game of Pin the Tail on the Donkey: I was spun around blindfolded without a clue as to which side was the head and which the butt–which rituals made me crazy and which led to the beatific vision.

Almost every anxiety and insecurity I felt as I kid fed into one fear: I was going to hell.

Therefore I did everything in my power to prevent that. My bedtime prayers lasted longer than those recited by Benedictine monks; by the second grade, I had read the Bible start to finish (a few times by the fourth grade); I attended daily Mass, walking there on my own each day; and every Good Friday I would go down to my dad’s den in the basement and stay there for five hours as I prayed the all of the mysteries of the rosary.

I guess I just thought I was really holy until I landed in therapy my freshman year at college. There my counselor strongly encouraged me to read the book The Boy Who Couldn’t Stop Washing His Hands: The Experience and Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Judith L. Rapoport, M.D. After I read through its pages I breathed out a huge sigh of relief that I might not be headed towards the burning flames of hell. Its wisdom has stuck with me even today when I get trapped in that OCD-scrupulous kind of thinking.

Like last weekend.

My daughter received her First Reconciliation. As part of the sacrament, the parents are encouraged to go to confession. I hadn’t been in ten years, so I thought I should go to be a good role model. My religion teachers used to tell us in grade school that you go into confession as a caterpillar and emerge as a butterfly. That wasn’t an accurate description of how I felt. My poor caterpillar was limping, as I felt horribly guilty, disgusted with myself, embarrassed, and every emotion they say you get rid of when the priest absolves you and you feel God’s forgiveness.

I think confession and all the rites of the major religions can be a beautiful thing, and lead to a deeper faith and a sense of love and hope. However, for someone prone to OCD, who constantly beats herself up for every less-than-perfect thing she does, or thought she has, these rituals can become weapons used to further hack away at self-esteem.

Two anecdotes from Rapoport’s book accurately articulate the kind of mental anguish attached to scrupulosity:

Sally, a bright, blonde sixth-grader, had looked forward to her Confirmation. Getting a new dress and having her aunt so proud of her outweighed all the hard work. But a few weeks before the big day she started having crying spells, couldn’t sleep, and lost ten pounds. It all began suddenly, when Sally was doing a class punishment assignment. She thought that she wasn’t doing it properly, that she was “sinning.” I’m always doing something wrong, she felt. The feeling stayed with her. Each day her symptoms became more intense. “If I touch the table, I’m really offending God,” she whispered. She folded her arms and withdrew into deep thought. Sally was terror-struck that she might have offended God by touching her hands. Did that mean that she was striking God? She wondered, retreating further into herself.

Daniel described how hundreds of times each day he would “get a feeling” that he had “done something wrong” and that it displeased God. To avoid possible punishment for these “wrongdoings” at God’s hands, he would punish himself in some way, thus reducing his concern about some more awful punishment occurring at some later time. He would also avoid any actions or thoughts that had accompanied these feelings. This led to the development of complex rules which, in Daniel’s mind, placed prohibitions on his behavior and thinking in virtually every situation of his life.

I have to exercise precaution about going to confession—and participating in rites like it– when I’m feeling really lousy about who I am and can’t get away from the self-deprecating thoughts, just as I refused to fast during Lent when I was trying to tackle my eating disorder in college by eating three regular meals a day. Going without food for 12 hours would have caused a major hiccup in my recovery.

Thankfully there are wonderful resources available today on scrupulosity, and because of the awareness, I think that kids today are better educated on what healthy faith looks like as opposed to a form of OCD. That’s my hope, at any rate.


The article shows an interesting aspect of belief. I have a lot of trouble understanding what makes intelligent people choose religious views and try to read what ever I find on the subject...books like Religion Explained and The God Delusion never included the possibility that OCD could play a role in the all consuming intensity and absolute conviction some religious people experience. Or why some people gravitate towards religious beliefs at all. It probably doesn't explain religion, but possibly why it is so addictive for some people.

Daniel E.
people choose religious views

Religion and politics are obviously hot topics, but to answer your question academically, see the writings of sociologist Peter Berger. In a nutshell, he argues it's largely one's upbringing into a religious home. Similarly, many people are Republicans/Democrats if their parents are Republicans/Democrats.

There's also the Jungian answer by Joseph Campbell that we all have a psyche with spiritual needs, and so we are all primed to have spiritual/religious experiences. The psyche is like the hardware and each religion or brand of spirituality, e.g. Buddhism, is like a different software. The actual software doesn't matter as much as the depth of one's experiences.

---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 PM ----------

the all consuming intensity and absolute conviction some religious people experience

As Nietzsche said, some people feel the same way about grammar. Some people also feel the same way about exercise or football or Facebook -- all of which involve rituals.


That definitely answers part of it, but to suggest that early childhood socialization and social memes are responsible for how we view the world is an oversimplification and isn't taking free will into account. I've read a little Peter Berger, at least The Social Construction of Reality, and I remember really liked the book, but also remember that I was very sure that it didn't represent a whole picture. We chose how we view the world, and though we may view it with the tools we were given, we do choose how we implement the tools and whether or not we use them to forge new tools.When we do begin to implement the old ones differently and make new ones with the old for solving specific tasks we broaden our experience of the world, including how we perceive it at its most basic level...and at some point if we choose to dig deep with them, which really is a choice that we can all make independently of our rearing, we may find one of them severs our response to pedagogical influence or quells the existential fear that causes the need for the comfort of religion in the first place.

Daniel E.
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