I haven't been taking my meds lately. It's almost been a week since I've taken them. I'm on depakote and seroquel. I take the depakote sometimes to level out my moods. The seroquel just makes me fall asleep and once I take it I'm usually out for 15 hours. I smoke some weed and drink booze at times. I use weed to chill out, calm me down when I'm manic, and to enhance creativity. I use booze when I'm depressed because it makes me feel happy and I also use that to enhance creativity as well. I take it there are probably others with bi-polar that self-medicate themselves as well. If anyone has a profession in psychology on here could you tell me if you think that self-medicating is the wrong way to deal with problems. I don't always use substance to self-medicate, I use creativity as well, such as playing guitar and writing songs/poems.