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I've been diagnosed as Bipolar NOS (Not otherwise specified) and am trying to make some decisions about medication.

Currently I'm on Cipralex, Wellbutrin, and Zopliclone, the latter for sleep, which is not working so well anymore. Seroquel has been suggested as an option that may help with sleep and maintaining mood stability. Although I'm doing ok on my current meds, I think the time will come that I'll need to look at changing.

So, my question is, if you're taking Seroquel, or you have in the past, how have you found it? What have the side effects been like? Did it significantly influence your moods/stability? How severe were/are the side effects, and how long did they last? Does the benefit of the medication outweigh the inconvenience of the side effects? Did it change your ability to concentrate, make decisions, etc?

I guess that was more than one questions. Sorry. :eek: I'm just trying to do some research and make a hopefully educated decision to take to my doctor.

Thanks guys.



I cannot provide any insiights into this particular medication,but canpoint you to some resources.

The Canadian site of AstraZeneca does not provide mich information on their medication, but the U.S. site of AstraZeneca is more helpful. Furthermore there is added information on Seroquel XR HERE

Another resource is the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

RxList/Seroquel Seroquel

I've listed resources that I consider to be factual, reliable and based on fact. As you well know, every medication has its legions of internet critics that are usually furthering some self interested agenda, so by relying on information you collect from reliable sources, you can have a menaingful conversation with your doctor to decide if this medication is right for you.

Be sure to discuss and clarify with your doctor and pharmacist any drug interaction issues that might exist with this and any other prescribed or over the counter medicatio you might be using at the same time.


So, my question is, if you're taking Seroquel, or you have in the past, how have you found it? What have the side effects been like? Did it significantly influence your moods/stability? How severe were/are the side effects, and how long did they last? Does the benefit of the medication outweigh the inconvenience of the side effects? Did it change your ability to concentrate, make decisions, etc?

Personally I like Seroquel it works much better than zoplicone(for sleep) when it stops working. Obviously the side effects depend on the person but I did not get to many side effects. Depending on the dosage as well, If I am on a higher dose I do feel quite lethargic but being on a lower dose was fine. A low dose works great for sleep and I guess I use it for maintenance. I am usually on a higher dose when my mood needs it and it works great to get me where I need to be. Again, the side effects all depend on the person. I have a friend who cannot handle Seroquel, it made him sleep all the time.
The medication outweighs the side effects for me, but for you it may be different. If you have to get up early for instance you might have to adjust your bed time earlier so your not groggy, and that all depends on the dose as well. I am assuming if it's for sleep that you will be on the lower dose so that shouldn't be a problem after your body adjusts after about a week. Concentration could be a side effect for you, and it could not be, again depends on the person.
I know as far as answers to side effects that didn't help but unfortunately medications are something you kind of have to try out yourself to see whether you can tolerate them or not. I personally would suggest going with the lower dose (25-50) if you want to avoid being really lethargic.

The obligatory: I am not a Dr. these are just my personal opinions.
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