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I've developed a cold - tickly cough, ache all over, no concentration.

But what's troubling me most is a bad headache. I can feel it's partly tension, partly inflamed sinuses.

I've taken some paracetamol, which has taken the edge off, but only just.
I'm reulctant to take ibuprofen as I've just finished a heavy and painful menstrual period, and had to take ibuprofen maximum dose throughout.

What can I do? The only thing that eased it on Friday was putting a hot water bottle on my head, but that's kind of awkward!

I can't take decongestants and otc cold medication due to being on mirtazapine.

The thing is I also have somatisation issues, so that's always a factor for me in any physical illness.

And I feel so miserable with the headache and lack of energy, almost like it's forcing me to do nothing.

Any suggestions on what I can do/take to relieve this relentless headache?


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Re: severe headache with a cold

Hate to sound like an infomercial but I take Advil for my headaches. Sometime a cold washcloth on my forehead helps too.


Re: severe headache with a cold

If the headache is from tension, I find that taking a nice warm shower letting the water hit the back of my shoulder/neck helps at times to relieve it. If it's from having a cold, well, I kinda ride it out. Cold cloth helps too, and of course, a nap does wonders if it's purely a cold. Good luck!



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Re: severe headache with a cold

Advil is pain medication mainly used for artheritis and headaches. It probably does have ibuprofen in it come to think of it.


I can't take decongestants and otc cold medication due to being on mirtazapine.


What interactions are you concerned about? Were you given specific compounds to avoid?

I checked various anti tussive, decongestant and antihistamine compounds against mirtazapine (Remeron) and couldnot find any interaction using the Medscape interaction checker.

I even checked mirtazapine against cimetidine, which is the classic compound used to test for interactions at the cytochrome P450 site (the most common form of drug/drug interaction) and found nothing.

The only concerns are comncommitant use of tricyclics and MAOI inhibitors, from the information I accessed.

There may be information that is not being listed, so, of course follow the advice of your doctor.


I use mint oil for headaches and it does absolute wonders for menstrual cramps. For headaches I rub a bit on my temples, for cramps I rub it on my abdomen and I am back in business in about ten minutes...


The cough's gone. Hooray!

My head's not so painful [yet, is worse in evenings, seems to be, though] just kind of delicate.
I slept well last night, which helps.
I'll take some ibuprofen before I go out, and see how things go.

Steve, maybe it was efexor that had the interaction? [I no longer take it] I do have a reaction to anti-histamines, as in they make me groggy and dizzy and intensify my vulnerability to dissociation, but that's my body, not med interaction.



I am glad that your cough is gone and lets just hope that the headache stays away and doesn't return tonight. Keeping my fingers crossed for you :crossfingers:


Thanks Halo.

Ugh. Total misery has set in. I hate how physical illness intensifies my depressive symptoms. My headache is just about tolerable, but I ache everywhere else and am tearful.


maybe it was efexor that had the interaction

From the point of view of potential for drug / drug interaction, Effexor (venlafaxine) is another medication with a clean "clean" metaboliic profile. Venlafaxine does not require Cytochrome P-450 nor is it highly protein bound, thus it is not generally asociated with the usual concerns about drug interactions.
i don't have any suggestions other than to try and be kind to yourself.

thinking of you and i hope you get over this cold very soon. :hug::hug:
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