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I’m suffering from severe Inner knee pain along with inflammation and numbness in the lower knee area. After visiting a Physiotherapy in Mississauga, they told me that this is because of MCL injury. They also advised me to do simple exercises like smoothening and strengthening exercise along with the therapeutic treatment will help you to reduce the pain and swelling. Can someone suggest simple exercises that won’t hurt my knee? How long should it take to restore full mobility?
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I don’t know a whole lot about how physiotherapy works but Wouldn’t you normally have seen a doctor for a proper medical diagnosis of the injury before seeing a physiotherapist? Also wouldn’t the physiotherapist suggest actual exercises for you to work on?
hi dominthomas i am sorry your knee is given you so much pain. I agree with GaryQ the best thing to do is to make an appt with your doctor and get some xrays done to rule out if there is any further damage to the knee. Also you doctor may prescribe anti inflammatory medication to help decrease the pain some. Depending on the injury then the type exercise should be prescribed by your doctor or physiotherapist. That being said low impact exercises perhaps done in a pool could help but again talk to your doctor ok first.


In this case, you definitely need to go to the doctor. My brother had the same problem that year. I had to make him go to the doctor, since he just sat for a month and endured this pain:mad:
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