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Hi all,
I had gone to my first session in CBT, it was much the same as an easygoing discussion, I feel positive after the session. My advisor {edited for privacy} in Toronto had gotten some information about my issues and treatment history. Be that as it may, the thing is that it's difficult to impart our experience to an outsider. Despite thefact that psychologist is friendly and agreeable, I am not ready to open up all things. Is this only a beginning inconvenience? on the other hand, Should I change my specialist? Does anybody have a comparative ordeal? It would be ideal if you share it and exhort me in my worries.
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It is yo ur first visit it will take many many visits before you feel comfortable enough to trust your therapist that has to be built on with each session so no you should not change your specialist yet give it more time one session is too soon to decide. my thoughts only though
Thank you for your replies. I decided to continue my session with her. Is there any tip to open up my mind without any trouble?
If you are having trouble talking or saying what you want to say then sometimes if you write down what it is you want to bring forward helps. Give the writing to your therapist who will know how to bring it up with you. It takes time to open up ok it will not happen overnight a relationship of trust has to be built first and your therapist will do that with you .


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I think it is common that people have difficulties opening up to a stranger. Thinking back in time, it would have helped me if I brought some structure to my sessions with psychologists, as I often panicked and did not know why did I go there or what was I supposed to say, creating a lot of feelings of discomfort and inadequacy at times. So, maybe, depending on your situation you can try to prepare mentally and sketch some issues you want to address. I am not a therapist though and I can't tell you if that's the best thing to do in your situation. I was told not to prepare in any way by the previous psychologists, I do not know why. I guess, it depends on the approaches they use and on their client.
But, one thing, I think would be helpful is to tell the psychologist about the way you feel. This way, you can both figure out how to best address the issue. It is a very important issue, as for most people time in therapy is limited and it is in your best interest to use it fully.
Having said all that though, I believe that sometimes it is also about a wrong "match". I myself can't work well with everybody. Good luck.


amazingmouse said:
one thing, I think would be helpful is to tell the psychologist about the way you feel.

Excellent advice! Your psychologist is a professional who is trained to listen to your issues, concerns and symptoms and to objectively assess what you have disclosed to form a diagnosis and propose a treatment plan.

It's not the same a a relationship with an acquaintance or even another stranger, even though you might be talking about your deepest darkest secrets.

Your therapist is objective, is not emotionally attached to what you say and is only interested in gathering information to diagnose and treat you.

In the same way you would take your car to a mechanic or hire a plumber, a professional is only interested in getting the job done and is not judging you.

As has been said, tell your therapist how you feel and she should be able to help you find ways to improve your comfort level.
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