I have been offered a position as an LPC at a multicultural agency that serves the minority population in a low-income area. The staff are all minorities as well. I myself am a Latina and look upon this opportunity with joy; however, it is overshadowed by the fact that the pay is so low. It is a non-profit organization that runs on grants. I have been offered other positions at much higher wages, but the agencies are run by predominantly white employees and directors. I do not have anything against anglosaxon people, I just thought the opportunity to help out in a lower income neighborhood would be awsome. But am I neglecting my family by taking a lesser paying job? I have a disabled husband and two boys in college. Luckily their tribe (they are Creek Indian) helps them with scholarships, ect., but I don't want to feel I am neglecting the needs of my family so I can be the heroine who goes out to help the poor. Any ideas? Suggestions?