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I have been offered a position as an LPC at a multicultural agency that serves the minority population in a low-income area. The staff are all minorities as well. I myself am a Latina and look upon this opportunity with joy; however, it is overshadowed by the fact that the pay is so low. It is a non-profit organization that runs on grants. I have been offered other positions at much higher wages, but the agencies are run by predominantly white employees and directors. I do not have anything against anglosaxon people, I just thought the opportunity to help out in a lower income neighborhood would be awsome. But am I neglecting my family by taking a lesser paying job? I have a disabled husband and two boys in college. Luckily their tribe (they are Creek Indian) helps them with scholarships, ect., but I don't want to feel I am neglecting the needs of my family so I can be the heroine who goes out to help the poor. Any ideas? Suggestions?


Hey Kat,

If you think you can make a comfortable (ie you're not starving) living at this job - why not try it out? I assume you're not signing a contract that says you can never leave? Is there possibilities to move up once you're in the door?

I left a comfortable job making a lot of money to go to a part time, 25/hr week job for $10.16 an hour. It was HARD. But there was so much potential to move around once I was in the door, it was well worth it. Within six months I had moved to a full time 50K+ position...My point is, sometimes it's worth it in the long run to take a little less money at the start if you're able to. It could also provide you with some great skills that are transferrable to another company down the road. I don't think you're neglecting your family unless you are causing undue hardship. And it sounds like you would be happier working with minorities - it's a great learning experience and can be very edifying.

I think that your contemplating this position is commendable. I hope that whatever decision you make you are happy with what you do.


Thankyou for your rapid response. I promised to call the agency by 9:00 in the morning but have been agonizing over the decision. I do not need a lot of money to live on nor am I a high maintanence (SP?) female. Therefore, I believe I think I will take the position as counselor for this agency. It does offer great potential for growth and as you say a wonderful learning experience. Thankyou so much, Sincerely, Kat

I don't know if this is an option or something you would be interested in...but have you looked into getting any of your student loan debt forgiven by working with the population you mentioned. Just a thought. Anything helps. I wish I could do this as I have a HUGE student loan!


Good luck with your new venture, hon. It sounds like it will be perfect for you, and you for it! The agency is fortunate to have you. :)


several things come to mind. first, I think if you make a decision only based on what is best for everyone else, you may end up regretting it in the end. It's your happiness that's at stake. Now, you do have responsibilities as you said in terms of your sons and husband. You have to weigh how much taking this job would disadvantage all of you and if it does in any way whether you are able to make up for that (ie. as you said w/ scholarships for your sons). On the other hand, if you take the job and you will have a very rough time making ends meet, maybe, for now it would not be the wisest decision. If this is something that truly lies at your heart, it's worth trying to pursue if at all possible. The other thing you could do is take one of the other, better paying jobs but get involved in the cause of the other one, so maybe you could volunteer for an organization that helps minorties... I think this is definitely a difficult choice: between a 'comfortbale' life but a job that is not your "calling" in a way or a choice that feels so right deep down but comes at so many expenses. Again though, think of all the positive people that you have had in your life and what a huge impact they made on your direction in life, if it weren't for those people who knows what would have happend, right? Sometimes, keeping in mind how big of an impact you are able to make (and in a situation where minorities are concerned there's huge potential for this) it helps us put things into perspective. good luck w/ whatever decision you make.


You are right

I belileve this is the third reply I have written- I guess I did the other two wrong. Any way, Eunoia, I just wanted to say thank you for your very insightful and thoughtful letter. You are so on the money. Even though I feel I sold my soul down the river, I went ahead and took the higher paying position; however, I will still be counseling the severely mentally ill, homeless people, court ordererd, domestic violence, and drug abusers. I think sometimes when I think of helping others and it becomes so important to me, I forget about what matters the most, and that is my family. I also think I forget to think about my self and the hard work that was spent getting my license. I went through fifteen years of drug addiction and one brain tumor before finally attaining a masters in Psychological Services. And yes, my sons will probably be in need of financial need because the grants do not meet thier living expenses. And then of course their is that wonderful holiday - Christmas (I'm sorry , I do not really like Christmas all that much because it tends to make poor people feel guilty for not being able to provide). Thankyou again for your response. It is nice to know there are people out there who actually give a damn! Sincerely, Kathleen (Kat)


Hey Kat!
I think that you made the best decision for you at this point in your life, as you said it sounds like you overcame a lot to get to this point. so it makes a lot of sense (as well as w/ other circumstances). I'm glad that you were able to make a decision that you feel happy about and that's what matters in the end... and that you're still able to help out w/ the cause.... sometimes, I think you need to do what is best for you and ie. your family for some time and then later you can always go "back" to working w/ an organization that helps minorities, but maybe you need to get yourself in a good enough position 1st and establish a good portfolic, get experience, make some $ etc. so that later you are able to choose these things more freely... (deep down though I think a lot of us know what the "right" decision is for us.. but it's so hard to see that clearly sometimes and differentiate btwn needs and wants...). Good luck at your new job!
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