More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Shut up, you know you are SO jealous. I mean an 8 year old felon? Awesome.
Carolyn... Online
April 22nd, 2010

Parker is eight. She is a prodigous list maker. She wants to work ?super hard? at school.


She also has some anger issues. Or as she calls them ?Anger Ishus? which is is proactively trying to learn to control. She?s even working on a self-help book so that some day she can be on the road to ?nice/good girl land.?


And she?s a bit of a money hoarder. She has every quarter she has ever stolen out of my purse. I mean earned. Being a little industrialist that she is, she?s decided to put that money to work for her. She?s opened up the Bank of Parker. It comes with a Warning that you must pay her back. With interest. You also have to leave a signature which she clarifies as ?AKA any kind of fancy handwriting.? So even the youngest of her friends, who can?t even write in cursive yet, can borrow from the Bank of Parker.


Look how many lines she has here. She must be planning to have a LOT of customers. So here?s what I?m thinking: She makes lists, She has a bit of a temper, and She wants to loan money. She?s not on the road to nice/good girl land, she?s on the road to becoming a loan shark. Or possibly a bookie.
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