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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
OMG! Shut up about Twitter already
By Helen A.S. Popkin,
Fri., March. 6, 2009

Suddenly the microblogging tool is the Snuggie of social networking

Cursebird, a "real-time feed of people swearing on Twitter," ... is awesome. Not only does it relay (or "retweet" as the kids say) profane Twitter posts, the Cursebird home page features the top five bad words currently ranking on the social network along with percentage points, the cursing stats of random foul-fingered tweeters, and a search feature to check just how nasty your Twitter pals can be.

Beyond this and a couple of other independently developed Twitter apps that cater to my outer juvenile, I don?t much care for Twitter. Also, I?m really sick of hearing about it. Suddenly Twitter is the Snuggie of social networking. Everyone?s yammering about it endlessly and busting out his or her own Twitter feed as awkwardly as wearing a blanket with sleeves.



LOL...that's funny! Come to think of it, I've been hearing a ton about Snuggies lately. I've never used Twitter but I can see how constant Internet chatter can quickly become annoying.


Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users.


I don't think I've ever heard of Twitter, Snuggies, or micro-blogging. I'm starting to feel like i live in a cave in the hills and only imagine that I live in a thriving city...


Twitter, Snuggies, Tweets etc..........If I hear of another de facto cute incursion into the English language I shall surely revert to latin, where such nonsense cannot be spelled, or spoken with the annoying cuteness.

And yes, Cabbage Patch dolls stink too.....and while I'm at it, remember when the term 'cookie' came out.

Yours in earnest
Charles dickens


Hey, hey, hey....I was with you until you hit on the Cabbage Patch those you don't mess with. They come with adoption papers and a signed butt so watch out :lol: :D
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