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Re: OMG!!!

Hi Lonewolf! I was wondering, would you be willing to ask yourself the following question: "What would I have earned if all psychlinks members in fact, did pity me and told me that I was a hopeless case and should not look for any form of help/treatment?".

I suspect if you are honest with yourself, you will get some new insights into your situation.

ould this type of response have encouraged you to continue certain behaviours or thought patterns and to avoid changes or other processes?

This is just a friendly suggestion. I am not in your shoes and have no way to know your situation.
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Lone Wolf:
You have been offered some invaluable advice and suggestions here. And, they are real and true. We all have had difficulties within our lives and what keeps up alive and going on is a willingness to want something better for ourselves. You possess the power within yourself to make changes within your life. People who sit in a corner and convince themselves that they cannot go on, rarely do. People who get better utilize every available avenue to get better. And, in the process, we discover what works and what does not work for us.
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