More threads by ComplexGirl20


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Years ago I became obese and that resulted in me isolating myself at home and becoming a loner. On top of that I have narcolepsy and one of its symptoms is hallucinations. Ever since I have been on and off in an unstable mental state. These hallucinations do a number on me. I signed up here to help with the mental part of the full health spectrum.



Welcome to Psychlinks, CG20! Thanks for joining us.

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Welcome to Psychlinks, CG20! Thanks for joining us.

Are you currently receiving treatment for the conditions you live with?

How can we help?

My family does not have money to use for a therapist but the medication I am taking to manage one of my narcoleptic symptoms is really helping me by lessening the intensity of my hallucinations.

You all can help me by being here to support me by giving you insight, suggestions, and support for any of my post I do later on. THANK YOU!!!!


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome ComplexGirl! Sorry to hear the difficult things you have experienced. I hope things keep getting better for you and that you find lots of good information and support here. :)
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