More threads by suewatters1

I had another SI injury. It doesn't need a stitch but I know it will leave a scar anyway. I used Purelle afterward to make sure it was clean and I put a band aid on it.
I am so frustrated with my life right now. Also the friend who has been very helpful to me about my work problems hasn't been available for much more then that lately because he is so busy helping everybody and renovating his house and dealing with a lot of his own issues that I can't count to use him when I need a safe place to go to anymore.



Account Closed
I'm sorry Sue. Was it the current work situation that made you do this? Can you think of other ways to stay safe? When is your next appointment with your therapist?

I'm wondering if it wouldn't be worthwhile getting your injury checked out just to be safe Sue.
HI Jazzey my cut doesn't look bad. I am not suppose to see my psychoanalyst till March 26. I have only 1 more week to work then I will be on sick leave. When I go on sick leave I will ask my Dr if he has a cancellation could I get in.

The pressures are due to work and how to deal with everyday life's events right now also talking to my family they don't realize what is really going on in my life and they wouldn't understand so I say nothing to them but I will have to say something to them about the fact I am taking a few months off work. Their attitude is don't let people get to you. There are other stuff that bugs me to so add that all together is what triggered me.

Thanks for your concern Jazzey



Account Closed
HI Jazzey my cut doesn't look bad. I am not suppose to see my psychoanalyst till March 26. I have only 1 more week to work then I will be on sick leave. When I go on sick leave I will ask my Dr if he has a cancellation could I get in.

The pressures are due to work and how to deal with everyday life's events right now also talking to my family they don't realize what is really going on in my life and they wouldn't understand so I say nothing to them but I will have to say something to them about the fact I am taking a few months off work. Their attitude is don't let people get to you. There are other stuff that bugs me to so add that all together is what triggered me.

Thanks for your concern Jazzey


Yes, I have a hard time talking to my family about my stuff too Sue. Do you have other ways to keep safe? (other than going to your friend's place) I'm hoping that this sick leave comes quickly for you. Sounds like you need that break Sue. And I do hope that you get in to seeing your Doctor before the 26th.

In the meantime, you know you can lean on us here Sue...


I think that the sick leave coming up is going to do you a whole lot of good. I know you have been having trouble with work and so to remove yourself from that environment I believe is a good decision.

I also hope that you can get your appointment with your doctor moved up earlier as well. It sounds like you are having a hard time and hopefully your doctor can help.

Take care


I too hope that you will be able to get your appointment sooner Sue.
Please know that you are in my thoughts. Be as gentle with yourself as you can be.
Thanks Amastie
I started sick leave on Tuesday and left a message with the DR on Monday night I would like to see him and again today I left a message and asked when he has an opening I would like to have it as I am in a crisis.



I'm off to bed now and will take with me every wish that an opportunity comes to you to see your dr very quickly. Keeping my fingers crossed as well... :support:
Thanks Amastie I could use a visit with a DR. I am trying to get a hold of a psychiatrist in Ottawa that is taking new patients. I don't have a psychiatrist and I need one badly. I am having thoughts of doing another SI injury and I am fighting those urges. I am just so so tired of everything going on in my life. There are some bright spots but that is not enough right now. I am just so so tired

Have a good night sleep talk to you soon




Can I ask why it has to be a psychiatrist in Ottawa? If your gp is willing to work with prescribing your medications, you could always look for a psychologist. As you probably know, finding a psychiatrist in Ottawa is extremely difficult and the waiting lists for them is normally about a year. If you are not currently on a list, you may want to get your gp to get you added to a couple.

You could also check out the College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPSO) website and do a doctors search and see what it turns up.

Good luck
Take care
Hi Halo I went on that website and found some psychiatrists taking new patients so I figured it shouldn't take more then 2 months to get in. Also if they know I am in a crisis and thinking of doing another SI injury they may want to move up the evaluation appointment sooner.



That is great Sue however I would probably call their offices before getting a referral from your GP just to confirm that they are still in fact accepting new patients. I am unsure as to how often the information on that website is updated.

Good luck and let us know how you make out.
Take care
Halo the DR I wanted is on Holidays till March 12th. He left a name of another DR in case of emergency. So I checked him out on the CPSO website and he is also taking new patients. So I left a message but was getting physio therapy when he returned my call.
He was confuse he didn't know if the other DR I mentioned to him was my DR. He is taking the patients of the other DR on holidays if it's a big emergency.

So I called back the DR left another message that the other DR I was hoping he would take me as his knew patients. He had said something about waiting a few weeks( he had a heavy accent and with my hearing problems it was hard to understand some things).
So when I returned his call I told him I could probably wait a few weeks. If I am in a crisis I could always call the hotline or get a hold of a crisis team. So maybe tomorrow morning he will check his messages and call me back.

I would not mind seeing him till the other DR comes back from his holidays then I can ask the other DR if he would take me on as a patient. A friend of mind has him for many years and is very satisfied with the DR.

My friend told me today to Journal my thoughts while I am thinking about doing an SI Injury and I tried that this afternoon. It made me cry and that made me tired then I went and laid down and tried to rest. But I didn't do anything to myself so it worked.


Can I ask why it has to be a psychiatrist in Ottawa? If your gp is willing to work with prescribing your medications, you could always look for a psychologist. As you probably know, finding a psychiatrist in Ottawa is extremely difficult and the waiting lists for them is normally about a year. If you are not currently on a list, you may want to get your gp to get you added to a couple.

You could also check out the College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPSO) website and do a doctors search and see what it turns up.

Good luck
Take care

Sometimes if you are seeing a psychologist, they have connections with psychiatrists and may be able to help you get in to see a psychiatrist sooner....
Hi Buffy I don't have a psychologist only a psychoanalyst. But usually its the family DR doing that but my family DR office is out of town and he has been away for about 7 months due to medical issues and they are not sure when he is coming back. Also he doesn't like prescribing medication that deal with mental issues. He does but it is not in his area of expertise.

I need a DR that will prescribe my medication and adjust them if they need to be adjusted. Also I need a DR to help me deal with thoughts about doing more SI Injuries or suicide thoughts and help me learn to deal with the people I work with so when I am off my sick leave and have to go back to work I want to be a stronger person mentally and emotionally.




I would suggest that if the doctor that you want is off until March 12th that you just try and hang on until then. This other doctor may get confused and there is a chance that the doctor that you do want will say well you have already been seeing Dr. ? why don't you stay with him which as we know is not what you want. Anyway....I am just a "what if" sort of person and would prefer to play it safe, I guess.

When do you see your psychoanalyst again? Can you call him/her up and get an emergency appt. or a second appointment due to being in crisis. What about the crisis team at the hospital....anything just to keep yourself safe and your friend had a good idea....writing in your journal and letting out the pain is exhausting and sleeping is much better than what you were/are planning.

Take care
Your right Halo about the DR I want I should wait. It's just that this DR is taking on the other DR's patients while he is away and I thought I could see him till the other ones comes back March 16th
My psychoanalyst I see him next on March 26. I called again today to let him know if had a cancellation I want it.

Now I am doing something I shouldn't found some alcohol and what was left in the bottle I mixed it with a sports drink and then I took my 2 Lyrica pills for the night. (please edit this if you need to please)

That was the last of the Alcohol in my house.

The last time I saw the crisis team they made me feel like I was wasting there time as the issues are always the same thing work and the people I work with. They are tired of hearing about it. They tell me call the hotline as often as I want and try to get in to see my DR more often(which is almost impossible). Also I don't want them to have me admitted into the hospital. Because you say the wrong thing that could happen and sometimes I don't think straight so the wrong things comes out of my mouth.


Hi Halo everyone I have an update. Tonight at 6:45 pm I got a call from the DR that I was playing phone tag with yesterday. He called to say he had a cancellation Monday morning at 11:45 AM do I want it. I said yes I do want it. He gave me the address and ask since I am from out of town could I find it. I said yes with Mapquest and also I go to the Civic Hospital a lot.
So Monday morning I am going to Ottawa to see a Psychiatrist. I have been wanting one since the summer of 2007. I know it's only a visit but it says on cpso website that he is taking new patients so once he realize the severity of my mental health he might want to schedule more visit with me.

This morning I had to go to a walk in clinic to get some new meds I wanted and I asked for a referral to the Dr who is on holidays so they will fax him the referral. But considering how fast I got in with this DR. even if it is only visit is great news. In my hometown you would have to go to the emergency room and they would have to call the crisis team then maybe you could see a Psychiatrist. Or you go to the ER and tell them you may hurt yourself then the DR will show up but then they might not let you go home.

So I feel this call at this time from this particular DR. is me getting help from God.
I am so happy. I was feeling so so low before he called now I am so happy.



I am glad that you got the call Sue and that you have an appointment so soon. I also hope that he will agree to take you on as a patient. Keeping my fingers crossed for you :crossfingers:

Take care and let us know how it goes on Monday.
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