More threads by Into The Light

i'm sick and i feel miserable! my head hurts, my throat hurts, my whole body aches and i'm coughing and i'm so so so tired. despite the fatigue though i'm here overdoing it and reading. even reading is wearing me out. :wacko:


I am really sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, ITL :hug: :hug: Maybe if you have a little nap now then you will be able to read more posts later and participate in mine and Jazzey's pyjama party (because we are boycotting Valentine's Day :lol: ).


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I'm sorry to hear you're sick ITL. Hope you're feeling better very soon. Sounds like rest is exactly what you need. :hug:

participate in mine and Jazzey's pyjama party (because we are boycotting Valentine's Day :lol: ).
- :D


As I said, she should have a brief nap so she is ready for our slumber party tonight to celebtrate being Anti-Valentines :D
i'd love to join but i think i'm going to collapse with fatigue here soon. ugghhhh. i've been in bed all day!

enjoy your anti-valentine party and have one on me :) (non-alcoholic of course)


i'd love to join but i think i'm going to collapse with fatigue here soon. ugghhhh. i've been in bed all day!

enjoy your anti-valentine party and have one on me :) (non-alcoholic of course)

I honestly hope that you get the rest that you need :zzz: :zzz:

I will definitely have a non-alcoholic one for you...heck I have been having virgin drinks for months now (even in the Dominican) due to medical issues. I think the first time I have a drink I will be flat on my butt :lol:

Daniel E.
Ditto, hope you feel better soon :)

If it's a cold, don't worry....scientists are working on the cure, which should be ready in a few days :D
thanks everyone :) unfortunately it's the flu :vent: :censored: and i don't feel any better whatsoever today :cry:

when's the cure scheduled for for the flu, daniel? :lol:

the flu is evil and should be hell-banned.


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Someone recently recommended putting vicks on the bottom of your feet :lol: It apparently works! The flu is definitely going around. I'm sorry you're sick ITL. The flu is particularly annoying because you usually have to wait and let it run its course! (I'm not that patient :))
:hug: ITL:hug:

:flowers: I know how dificult it is to feel cheerful at all , whilst in the grip of flu ;
sending you some flowers from my garden . hope you feel better very soon .:hug:


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I heard about the Vicks under your feet as well Jazzey. Don't know if it works though :)

I think mostly though with the flu it just has to run its course but try to keep yourself hydrated and get lots of rest. I hope that you feel better soon.

Take care and lots of hugs :hug: :hug:


The good news, ITL, is that it's *just* the flu...could be a whole lot worse! Thankfully most of them run their course pretty quick. Remember to stay hydrated, wrap yourself in your Snuggie, and try to feel better. I remember my last genuine flu and it wasn't fun, so my sympathies are with you!


How are you feeling today ITL? I hope you got some much needed rest last night :zzz: :zzz:

Take care
:hug: :hug:
very thankfully i seem to be doing better today, although i might not sound better. still sick but i am very glad for the improvement and relieved. thank you halo :hug:
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