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I continue to have real problems with Risperdal and would like to know if anyone else has the same issues. My ankles and fingers swell and I have gained 5 lbs in one week since my doctor increased my doseage. It does help with the voices and I am thinking better but I now can't sleep - either get to sleep before 1 or 2 in the morning and wake up at 4. I stopped taking it today because I just can't deal with this. Aren't there any other medications that don't cause this?



I can't say that I had any side effects such as the ones that you described TG but I do remember waking up and feeling like a zombie in the morning and that was one of the main reasons that I stopped it (with my doctors knowledge).

I really would like to caution you against stopping your medication without consulting your doctor. I know that you may be uncomfortable and even frustrated with the side effects but is there a way to get a hold of your doctor or pharmacist to talk about them without stopping cold turkey?
I have an appt. with my therapist in the morning. He definitely wants me to be on this kind of medicine. I have an appt. with my psychiatrist on the 22. I will try to call him but he typically doesn't take calls and says to wait until I see him. I don't see him except for medications. The medicine also causes my atrial fibrillation to act up (which I have had all my life). I am just so tired of it....




I absolutely understand if the medication is interfering with other things but I do think that talking with your therapist is a good idea and so is leaving a voicemail for your psychiatrist as well.

I would recommend though that you speak to your pharmacist and at least keep them informed of what is going on with you. They can be a great asset with respect to your medications.

Take care, good luck with your therapy appt. tomorrow and let us know how it goes.
:hug: :hug:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I continue to have real problems with Risperdal and would like to know if anyone else has the same issues. My ankles and fingers swell and I have gained 5 lbs in one week since my doctor increased my doseage. It does help with the voices and I am thinking better but I now can't sleep - either get to sleep before 1 or 2 in the morning and wake up at 4. I stopped taking it today because I just can't deal with this. Aren't there any other medications that don't cause this?

I have an appt. with my therapist in the morning. He definitely wants me to be on this kind of medicine. I have an appt. with my psychiatrist on the 22. I will try to call him but he typically doesn't take calls and says to wait until I see him. I don't see him except for medications. The medicine also causes my atrial fibrillation to act up (which I have had all my life). I am just so tired of it....

There are several choices now in that family of medications, texasgirl, or your doctor might prescribe something to counter some of the side-effects. But Halo is right... it's not a great idea to discontinue the medications without talking to your psychiatrist, especially not suddenly.

The 22nd is only 11 days away. As an interim option, try discussing the problems you're having with your pharmacist, or alternatively with your family doctor. Perhaps cutting the dose back slightly until you can see your psychiatrist is a possibility.
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I will definitely talk to my therapist in the morning. And I will call the pharmacist tomorrow too. I originally had an appt. with my psychiatrist for today but then they called and rescheduled because it's Good Friday. For what it is worth, I never had these problems when I was on Trilafon and Cogentin. It did make my fingers shake, which never went away though, although my doctor said it was because I was on so many medications for so many years. Anyway, I will take the Risperdal tonight and talk to them tomorrow. Thank yall both very much. I really rely upon your knowledge and support.

Good night,

TG :support:

---------- Post added later and automatically merged ----------

I went to my therapist today. He suggested again that I talk to my psychiatrist about Geodon. I will when I see him and I will keep on the Risperdal till then.

He wants me to keep a journal that we can talk about. I tried last week but I couldn't think more than to write a few phrases each day. When it comes to thinking about myself and what I am feeling, I am almost devoid of feeling, numb. So when I try to come up with things that are negative or stressors, I have a hard time distinguishing. Like I love my nephew and he came over but the love hurt. I know I am not making sense but I am not sure what I am feeling because feeling and thinking are two different things. I think in opposites a lot of the time. And as far my past, it's like it happened to someone else and that I don't even have a past, barely a present.

Sorry for rambling. Hope everyone has a Happy Easter. I really appreciate all of you so much.

TG :hug:


Account Closed
You're not rambling at all TG...I understand every word that you've expressed here tonight; the difficulty in journaling, the numbness, the feeling that it's all happened / happening to someone else...Well, all of it.

I hope that you'll feel better very soon. Always here for you TG. And Happy Easter to you and yours too. :hug: :hug:



I am glad that you talked to your therapist and that you are going to stay on the meds until you see your doctor :2thumbs:

Take care
:hug: :hug:
Good for you talking to your therapist. I took Risperdal before I was pregnant and I didn't have any bad side effects, but everyone's different and reacts differently. I hope you can get this straightened out soon.

And I understand about the love hurting. I do. :hug:

Happy Easter to you too!
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