More threads by David Baxter PhD



Disclaimer: This sign is brought to you by the following groups and associations:

1 - The American gas retailers association, producers and shareholders (Driving 65mph vs 55 mph increases fuel consumption by approx 6-7 mpg: roughly 3mpg for every 5 mph over 55)

2 - The “I can’t drive at 55” clubs and association of America

3 - The Ford haters association of America on behalf of Ford haters all around the world.

4 - The “I had a Ford once too club”

Ford, built for the prairies!
where you never have to constantly deal with the humiliation of people laughing at you when they pass you while your vehicle appears to be going backward down the hill as your “pedal to the metal” attempt results in an embarrassing and inevitable constant decline in speed while you pray that it will finally and hopefully make it to the top of the hill :D

To remain consistent with the internet blogger culture I can’t resist doing the silly bio crap thing you see at the end of every blog online especially when it’s the bloggers actual website.

About the Author:

GaryQ is a world renowned expert in silliness and wise cracks. You can read many of his world renowned and annoyingly wacky posts on the psychlinchs forum where GaryQ loves to volunteer his time as the Super Moderator occasionally coming up with a good funny one (not cause he’s super, it’s just the name of the level) . GaryQ has no cats, dogs, wife and hence life. Contrary to most GaryQ lives In the prairies and loves his old 2000 Ford Focus SE and enjoys the privilege of never having to deal with the embarrassment of been seen attempting to drive up a hill. GaryQ takes pride in being an avid frugal penny pincher but drawls the line at saving 10 cents to crawl along the highway at 55 mph (89 km/h) Yes, GaryQ is and will always be a lifelong member of the “I can’t dive at 55” club ;)
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Daniel E.
Another Ford benefit for rural areas: use the Ford as a decoy in case rats ever decide to start chewing wires.


Haha! Good one but Totally wrong and out in left field on that one Daniel seems that rodents also prefer newer vehicles as much if not more than humans do 🚗

Automakers including Toyota, Honda and Subaru have turned to an eco-friendly, soy-based type of insulation coating in their vehicles that has attracted the attention and tastes of rodents such as rats, mice and squirrels. The rodents have been chewing the apparently delicious insulation and exposing the bare wires, resulting in expensive repairs for the vehicle’s owners.

Full article:

Loving my 🦖 (as David so called my collectors item) more and more now :D
i found out about that when I was planning on buying a house in rural Manitoba with an old double garage and was looking for ways to deter squirrels and mice from moving into my 🏠 and 🚗
I thought they just liked to make nests till I read about the “soy”ry truth.
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