More threads by ShotsieGirl



Hi Everyone,
I'm also new here to this program. I am in need of answers and prayers for a loved one. I'm not sure how to work around this site so if you all could give me direction I would be truly grateful. My son has been diagnosed with cancer which has a huge government company involved. We just want our son diagnosed properly without all the hush hush for the others. We want nothing from them except the truth & to stop the work where this occurred.
I lost my mom 4 yrs ago to cancer followed by my dad having triple bypass 4 mo later and 6 months following this he was diagnosed with mouth cancer. So for almost 5 yrs i was a caretaker and rarely here. I've been home now a yr. and now my son. I'm scared, angry, confused, etc.... I know my son's going to be ok, God wouldn't be so cruel as to take my mom and my baby.
I need some help as to how to go about getting proper help for my son as well as keeping my witts about me. I have been on meds since 3 mo. after my mom passed and for some reason this is taking me into a fight with myself. I have to be here & strong for my son, I have to be. I've lost alot of weight recently & so far I feel ok but now it seems a battle just to eat something once a day & I am diabetic insulin dependant. Please inform me of any help you can give for I would be internally grateful.
Thank You for taking your time to read. My name is Lynn and I reside in N. Calif. if that helps at all...

Smile everyone, tomorrow is a new day!!


Hi ShotsieGirl and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome:

I am truly sorry to hear about your son but unfortunately I am not sure how much I can offer in terms of getting the proper help for your son. As for your weight loss and your battle to eat, I know that many others on here have had the same struggle and some of them have mentioned drinking Ensure in addition to whatever else they are capable of eating that day. I am sure that if you check out the eating disorders section on this forum you will find many other helpful hints as well.

I am glad that you found us as I am sure that you can use the support that we are willing to offer.

Take care

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
My son has been diagnosed with cancer which has a huge government company involved. We just want our son diagnosed properly without all the hush hush for the others. We want nothing from them except the truth & to stop the work where this occurred.

I'm confused. What is meant by the "government company" and the "hush hush", "the truth", and "stop the work where this occurred", Shotsie?


With what kind of cancer has your son been diagnosed and by whom was he diagnosed?

I get the feeling you're saying that you have reason to believe that something about this "company" caused your son's cancer. Can you be a little more specific about that, please?

Ensure is an excellent way to boost caloric intake when it's difficult to eat. However, as an insulin dependent diabetic, you absolutely MUST eat regularly. Even if you have to go to six small meals a day (perhaps, things you can carry with you that are high in protein), you've got to maintain your nutrition. If your blood sugar drops precariously, you could find yourself flat on the floor and unable to help your son, or yourself. If nothing seems to work for you, talk to your doctor about other things you might do to increase your appetite.


Hi Lynn, and welcome to the forum.

I'm so sorry to hear about your situation.

No matter what company causes anything, there is always a battle for care. It doesn't matter what the company, little or big. It is the insurance companies that they use that cause the problems. They make you feel like other things caused what is goign on.

One thing I highly suggest is documentation of all things medical with your son. Each dr appt, test, etc. Keep it docuemented in a notebook, as well as getting copies of all tests and maybe letters from doctors that state what they feel the cause is on this.

Also, mom's have a way of finding the strength to keep on going when their children need them. Use the ensure, or any other protien drink that will give you the calories that you need right now from not eating.

Get your rest as you can through all of this as you are going to need to be strong.

and when you feel like talking, everyone is here to support you. Even if they aren't going through the same things, struggles are what we go through. So no matter what the struggle you will find someone in here, most in here that is, well, everyone in here will be here to give you words of comfort.

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