More threads by Mashka

Do you Smoke?

  • I used to smoke but I quit

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • I smoke socially or occasionally

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • I smoke regularly/am addicted

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • I have never smoked

    Votes: 14 40.0%

  • Total voters


quitting is in the forefront of my mind. But with all the extreme stressors I am dealing with right now, I just cant add that one to the plate. I have cut back, though. :)


Former smoker who quit (although never thought that I would). Am coming up on 7 months since I quit.


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Fair enough. When you're ready Kels. Maybe we'll setup a new thread for all of us who want to quit - start on the same quit date and help each other through it. :)

I'm not ready to quit just yet either - I have something stressful coming up. But maybe somewhere around the first week of May...Just putting it out there. :)


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Little green light back on Kels ;) start thinking about this quit date Kels - I'll even let you choose a date in the first 2 weeks of May - whatever date you want. :)


perfect. thanks jazzey. i think ill be ready to quit by then. but now with school and studying, itll stay for a while. but good luck to you, and to me, and to everyone:)


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Sounds good - don't wait too long to pick that date Kels...We're all going to need time to get used to the idea of giving up on that date...:)

And then I'll let you do the honours of starting a new thread for the "used to smoke" people. :) And definitely good luck to all of us who are ready to do this in May....:panic: :panic: :)


I just get so freaking agitated when I try, at this point in my life with what all thats going on. I mean its bad. I really want to quit, I just feel this isnt the time for me. I have quit before and theres not a doubt in my mind Ill quit again, but this time is the hardest its ever been for me. :(


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We'll be here for you when you're ready Atlantean. :) Smoking cessation programs only work when and if we're really ready for them...Just say the word. :)


Have not smoked a tobacco cigarette since New Years Eve of 1992. It's the one thing, incidentally, that I *have* been able to quit -


Smoking ....

I don't smoke in my house or office or car - we have huge smoking policies here in SA - you can only smoke in smoking areas or in open areas - not in any buildings :) That's cool cause I don't smoke around my son - unless we are outside and he's not too close! I don't smoke that much cause you learn to cope with smoking laws but when I'm stressed or having a few drinks I overdo it!


I smoke. I started when I was 12 or 13, quit once for 3 years (!), and about 10 times for 6 months or less. Now I smoke a pack a day. I'm on day 128 of a long term weight loss plan, and I'm chicken to quit. My deal is that when I have stabilized my ideal weight for two months I'll do it. I'm not worried about gaining a few pounds, I'm worried that if I screw up my plan I'll give up on it. I'm a health nut in every other way, besides smoking...which is super-super-stupid. I hate it.
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