More threads by Murray


I am hoping that it will go well as my publisher is really wanting me to do more things like lecturing and traveling to teach, ugh. I'm supposed to teach at some huge international conference next year. I tried to get out of it, but was sort of coerced. So, I figure I better start doing this more now to get comfortable before the big event. I just keep telling myself that they want me to succeed and if I totally screw up, it isn't the end of the world...even if it might feel like it.LOL

What's funny is I can sort of remember this other me, that was much more confident and capable of doing things. I never liked speaking in public and I was always shy and had my issues, but I never had problems going outside, or driving somewhere, or making phone calls, or any of the million things that I struggle with now. Even if I did have problems with something, I didn't give in and avoid everything. I don't know how I got to this point. It must have been fairly gradual, I guess. Just kind of sad and strange. This other me was also very motivated and productive, which is the opposite of what I am now. I think that I used to feel some sort of enthusiasm and drive to accomplish things. Now, I just to the bare minimum required (often even less than that). For many years I had a goal of getting to do a book of my designs. I worked really hard to get to the point where I could do this. Finally, last year a great publisher asked me to do a book! This was one of my big goals so it was great. Now, over a year later, I haven't done anything at all. I just don't feel any creativity or anything. The fact that I am letting this opportunity pass me by just kills me, but I just have nothing in me right now. Years ago, I would have had the first one done and had enough extra stuff for one or two more.

Anyway, I guess I am just feeling pretty down right now when I think about how I am wasting my life. I feel like it is too late to try to improve things. Wow! That train of thought sure took a detour, sorry. I guess I will shut up for now before I get any more pathetic.
Hey just do some breathing before hand slow breathing and don't look at the people when talking look at the back wall. I have never been able to get up in public to talk never. I am glad your husband will be there for support. Just know once you have done this it will get easier the more you do it. I got thru having all those people in my house i lived. You get to present something you created you love so just be yourself okay and everything will work out well. Let your quilts do the talking for you. I think it is great the direction you are heading a book designs of your own Once you have started again you will get that creativity back just have to get the juices moving again thats all. You will do great Murray I am confident in that and as you said your husband can help you pick up the slack if you have any trouble. Way to go would love to see some of those quilts what a talent. take care.


Muray, are not pathetic. Don't apologise. Don't shut up. It's good to get these things off your chest.

Depression just completely sucks the life out of you.

Can i ask, do you feel like you are making progress in therapy? Also how long have you been in therapy for?


Thanks so much you guys. I'm just going to hope for the best. I am trying to make some notes now. I figure if nothing else, I can hold the quilts in front of my face while I talk if I need too :eek:

I have been in therapy for a little more than a year (this time) and I do feel like I am making progress. It is just slow. It took me ages to be able to open up and talk about my issues so things seem to be going better now. You are right that depression does just seem to suck the life right out of you.


Unfortunately therapy is slow.

I'd never try to push meds onto you (or anyone for that matter) because i know your situation. But just keep in the back of your head that if things ever get too much for you, there are options available to you.


Thanks Domo,
There actually was a period recently when I considered asking for meds because the anxiety and depression was getting pretty bad. Thinking about doing unfortunate things, and such. Now, I just seem to be back to my usual crappy self. I do think that since we are now really starting to work on some of my "stuff" I may start to make more progress.


It is kind of embarrassing, but I am a quilter and I design patterns. So, I am going with a bunch of my creations to talk about them and hopefully sell some stuff.

That is really, really cool, Murray! I've often been envious of people who are crafty and talented with that kind of stuff. I think it's really awesome that you're doing what you're doing.

Public speaking is a skill and it takes practice. Have you considered something like Toastmasters to help you develop the skill?

I remember when I was 18 I was terrified of speaking in front of anyone. I decided I couldn't go through life like this so I got a job coaching gymnastics. I remember the first class I taught I had eight pairs of eyes all staring at me, waiting for me to speak. If I could have run out I would have. got easier after that. I speak for a living now and really enjoy it.

You've probably heard the "picture your audience naked" line...I'm not sure if it actually works, but...whatever will make it easier...go for it! Can your therapist help you practice before you do it? Maybe give you some...not pointers...but some things to boost your confidence?

Just gets easier every time, so the next time won't be nearly as daunting.


I can certainly relate to all this. I have to force myself to go out anywhere. That is why I got my dog, MoJo so I would be forced to go out. Either that or have a stinky home and a stinky home is not an option so everyday, out with her I go. I passed up a great chance a few years back to teach art, give classes and have really regretted being too shy/anxious to do it. I just figured I had nothing to offer. I even passed up being interviewed by the press, not good enough. I wish I had made other choices. I hope you will do really well with your presentation. Ha, tried the imagining everyone in their underwear to make it easier but then I ended up with a really bad case of the giggles, oh my. Anyway, all the best and agree with the others, we have to give ourselves credit for whatever we manage to do. I will have to give it a go, writing down what I do everyday instead of sitting here beating myself up over what I didn't do. Thanks for all the great ideas in this thread.


Turtle, that is great that you have been able to get comfortable speaking in front of people. Maybe someday I will get there. Maybe I could get some pointers from my therapist tomorrow, but it is probably too late. I don't think that I could do Toastmasters, but I hear it is terrific.

SoSo, I am so sorry that you struggle too and have passed up some opportunities. Are you an artist? Please don't feel that you have nothing to offer, I bet you are amazing. I can totally relate to that feeling though. I can't believe that they want me to speak to them when I feel like I have nothing to offer. I just feel like such a worthless excuse for a human being, especially when people are looking at me. I have passed up quite a few opportunities because of this too. It sucks!

Picturing everyone in their undies is probably not a good idea for me, I could see some giggling from me as well.



Obviously they think you have something to offer, or they wouldn't have asked you to speak. I've been in that position as well, of "why me? There are 500 other trainers in the city they could have asked"...but I took it as an opportunity to promote my business. If nothing else, use it for selfish purposes, and don't feel bad about it. You deserve it.


Okay, major panic now! What the heck was I thinking when I agreed to do this? I must have been nuts. I have been fairly calm about this talk until just a minute ago when I pictured myself standing up in front of a group of people with all of those eyes on me, looking at me waiting for me to say something. UGH! All I can say is that in less than 9 hours it will be over regardless of how it goes. Even if it goes badly, it won't kill me...right.
Hey try not to focus on what is to come try to keep busy okay Do something relaxing today get your mind off it for awhile. As you said it will come and go quickly and no one is there to judge you they are coming to see your beautiful quilts and patterns. Do the breathing your doctor taught you and just get it out of your mind for awhile okay You will do great Murray especially with your husband there to support you. Go and just have some you time okay no more thinking about it for awhile.


Thanks Violet,I am actually just getting ready to go to my therapy appt in few minutes. That should be a help. I probably won't be able to focus on anything other than this talk, but maybe that will help anyway.
I am so glad you are seeing therapist and yes it will help you to talk about it and get some coping skills from him/her to get you through it okay You will do fine Murray


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Just remember that you WILL get out of this alive.

Well, alot of good advice does when you're already done :D. Oh did it go?


Well, I survived the talk and it actually wasn't horrible. My therapist was very helpful getting me ready for it. We talked about how my body dismorphic issues contribute to my difficulties standing up in front of a group with everyone looking at me and lots of other stuff as well. We also worked on imagining it going well, and having a cheering section of people who support me in my head. I am glad I had an appointment before this event. Anyway, I am glad it is over, and am relieved that it went fairly well.


Yay!! That is awesome - I'm so happy for you! The next one will be even easier and having an appointment the day of might be an excellent strategy until you are really comfortable.
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