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Just wanting to share a feeling of mixed emotions with you all:

You would not believe the soccer fever that hit SA this past few months - 8 days to go and everyone is talking, dreaming and walking soccer soccer soccer!

There is not a car out there without a flag, compititions all over the show to win soccer goodies and Yellow shirts every Friday everywhere you look to support of Bafana Bafana! No one really believes they will make it but we all hope for a miracle!

In the mean time human traficing has boomed to new hights and crime is picking up all around because the police are worried about internationals and soccer teams and not so much about local neighbourhoods! We have been warned to stay out of Malls and major shoping centers for the next two months and to keep our kids indoors at all times!

The presedent asked the country to behave during the world cup which is great but I'm kinda hoping that 'good behaviour' would last longer than just a world cup!



Ugh, no kidding. I can not imagine how frightening that must be. I have seen on the news how absolutely wild everyone gets for soccer anything! It's to bad that it has to turn into such a fiasco for lack of a better word.
It would almost make more sense to have it somewhere really neutral. Is there such a place? lol Sorry I am daft when it comes to soccer.
They can't seriously believe that everyone is going to be able to keep their children close for 2 months! That's unreal. Well I do hope that things do not get to out of hand, and I really hope that there is not a huge increase in the human traficking. I won't even get started on that...

I hope you stay safe HBas.
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