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Hello guys!

I had a strange problem and i wants you to help me

the problem is that when i talk to women or some new ppl

-i get very very nervous and my head keep sweating like hell "at least i look like i played football for over 5hs all my cloth became wet like it was raining ..

-also i say stuff that iam trying not to say so i will not freak anybody .. but when this happen .. it came up and its like i cant stop it anymore ..

-My stomach hurts and i feel bad like i dont wanna talk anymore .. which is not true .. i have been alone for long long time

This one is even weirder :
-when i decide to go to collage that i like so i can meet up with my friends and ppl that i like ... i get worried so MUCH! and like Happy and worried .. and when i go to sleep .. i dont sleep at all!!

check this short story .. it happen 2 me in 2009-November i guess**:coffee:
i said i will go to the collage 2morow .. i when to sleep , and same feeling came again and i didnt sleep... i came back realy realy wants to sleep cant wait anylonger .. but i said i try to wait 3 more hours then i sleep so i sleep well and what happen today .. dont happen again ... i went to bed and its like iam watching the same tape i have seen yesterday ... 8h trying to seep but i cant ! ... then i went to collage again .. and i realy dont know how i did that ... and the 3rd day .. i tried to wait again and then sleep but guess what .. I DIDNT!! .. when my alarm sounds .. my head was so COLD!! .. and i just closed it and when i touched the bed again ... i opend my eyes and it was 12h later( i slept 12h and i didnt feel them at all .. it was like 1 sec to me )**

---Last thing i wants to say .. sometimes i sleep and in same time iam awake ... i heard from someone that he sleep like this but because he killed someone b4 .. believe me i never ever do anything bad for long time!
or at-lest i dont see it .. so what is wrong with me ?? .. please help me!:hissyfit:

Thanks for reading and thx for trying to help me)))

and iam sorry if i did it in wrong section iam Just New* here... and iam sorry for my bad English...

Thank You!

---------- Post added at 08:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 AM ----------

Is it ok if i said , i realy cant wait to hear you comments so please hurry ?
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Re: Please help me , i think i have a REAL Problem :S

Do I understand correctly that there are two things that are concerning you at this time:

1) you become anxious when meeting new people

2) you have difficulty sleeping

Do you have a family doctor you can speak to about your anxiety and difficulty to sleep?
Re: Please help me , i think i have a REAL Problem :S

I hope that just being able to write down what's bothering you has helped a bit. It sounds like a good idea to see your family doctor to rule out any medical causes of the profuse sweating and insomnia. If he/she isn't able to help you can ask for a referral.


Re: Please help me , i think i have a REAL Problem :S

Actully , stuff like family doctor and stuff like this is not available in my country .. btw: i live egypt

TSOW : you are right .. now u understand me , and no i dont have a family doctor .. but i wants to tell u , that doctors in Egypt as good as nurse in USA or UK .. at-lest that is how i feel , so i really appreciated if u guys helped me here ... and if u want just tell me and i can send u my e-mail and we can chat about my problem or talk useing mic or so .. that will make me so happy and again i really appreciated thank you:)

Melon: ya it helped me writing my problem down a little .. at lest now i can see it .. and i think family doc is a good idea but i dont and i kinda cant have any cause its not cheap also no good doc. in egypt or i dont trust them in stuff like this
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Re: Please help me , i think i have a REAL Problem :S

Discussions with members and Forum staff must be continued on the Forum in public and not by email or in private messaging. The reason is to invite input from all Forum members, and that all Forum members can benefit from your experience.

Psychlinks can offer you support and information, but we are not qualified to diagnose your condition nor provide you with any treatment options.

What medical facilities do you have available to you in your community where you can go for treatment when required?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Is it ok if i said , i realy cant wait to hear you comments so please hurry ?

No, really it isn't okay. You posted that only 3 minutes after your first post. Similarly, you sent me an email complaining that you couldn't post yet shortly after registering because no one was online to validate your registration.

You are half way around the world from most forum members. And we make no claims regarding being online to answer questions 24/7.

This is a forum. One of the things that is required in participating in any online community like this one is patience. When members log in and have some constructive suggestions or comments regarding your posts, they will reply.
Hi i hope you are less anxious today. I think talking to a professional is the only way you can get help in finding out what is truly wrong. Who ever you go to for medical attention go there and tell him what is wrong okay. This way you can get the right help for you the right medication for you. Anxiety is a terrible thing to cope with so really try to reach out to a profession a doctor where you live There a good doctors out there you just have to find one okay take care.


@ TSOW: Okey .. thanks .. i just thought if its okey we will need discussing alot of things so i think that will be faster that is all ... but ok , alright .. i understand!

@ David Baxter: I Just wants to thank you for all yor help and i was in hurry becase i wanted this to end and i know that the answer could take over 12h so i was trying to post it as fast as i can so can here an answer ... and sorry about the e-mails and every thing .. real shame :S

@ Violet : Thanksssssssss Alot you are so nice .. and ya , iam trying a doctor and he keep advicing me to do stuff and after i listen to him i realized that i already knew that and iam doing it ... the problem is my Anxiety-system is More actave than Normal or that is what he said

also he gave me some pills for this system but it say on it ( Anti-depressed ) :S .. i think i just wasted my tme .. but wth , i wll take it and try them

Daniel E.
You may be able to find a psychologist or therapist in your area. One way may be contacting the Egyptian Psychologist Association.

Another way may be checking the phone book or inquiring at the psychology department of any local universities.


@ Melon : Thanks alot for your support .. and ya i think its okey , why not ^^
thx and good luck to you too :)

@ Daniel : thanks alooot for helping me , but i think i will have to give my doctor chance its Just fair & it seems to me that he understand
about the website:
I dont you to miss-understanding me or anything but .. your computer might be Infected by a trojan >> this is what my Kaspersky detacted<<
((10/01/2010 11:49:29 ص Detected: HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic Firefox <- i removed some parts because iam not able to post a link yet
iam sorry but i really appreciate that u trying to help me and i really thank you for that , and i totally understand that u didnt know about the virus & maybe i can help you by giving you the anti-virus if u want too :)

I am glad also to hear you saw your doctor. The pills that the doctor gave you will help with your anxiety as well so please take them okay. Look at the link Daniel gave you for a psychologist therapy with the medication works well with decreasing anxiety. I hope you find someone to talk to there as it does help talking to someone in person. take care.

Daniel E.
@ Daniel : thanks alooot for helping me , but i think i will have to give my doctor chance its Just fair & it seems to me that he understand
about the website:
I dont you to miss-understanding me or anything but .. your computer might be Infected by a trojan >> this is what my Kaspersky detacted<<
((10/01/2010 11:49:29 ص Detected: HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic Firefox <- i removed some parts because iam not able to post a link yet
iam sorry but i really appreciate that u trying to help me and i really thank you for that , and i totally understand that u didnt know about the virus & maybe i can help you by giving you the anti-virus if u want too :)


Yeah, I downloaded Kaspersky Internet Security Suite 2010, and I see a similar alert for that website, saying HEUR was detected and blocked. So I have removed the link as a precaution, though I'm unsure if it is a false alarm or not.

In any case, as Violet says, talk therapy along with medication is more effective than medication alone.
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