More threads by crzycadn


To change my mood, sometimes, I will daydream about something nice -

If I could go on anywhere in the world on a vacation, I would go to Dubai. It just looks so dreamy and luxurious.

If I could work in any occupation, I would like to be a successful novelist.

Where would you like to go?

What would you like to do?



Funny you ask...I was just browsing vacation hot spots. :)

I'm looking for somewhere warm. I really enjoyed Bahamas, and would go back there. Mexico doesn't appeal to me, but I think a week or ten days in the Carribean is a must this winter.

As for a dream job...I'm already doing it. I'm a dog trainer, and I LOVE it. I didn't choose the career, it chose me.
I'd love to go to Tokyo - I've wanted to since I was a kid, but it's SO expensive....hmm...maybe when I win the lottery! :rofl:

I'd have to say I'm very happy with my current job, I don't think I would change a thing. BUT if I had to pick something else, I'd love to teach Grade 12 classes. Or, be a nurse in an ICU at a childrens hospital.
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