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4.1.8 Impulse control disorders are also considered to be part of the obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD) spectrum, a spectrum I can easily identify as part of my life as I gaze retrospectively at my years all the way back to early childhood. OCD is a mental disorder most commonly characterized by intrusive, repetitive thoughts resulting in compulsive behaviours and mental acts that the person feels driven to perform.
9.2.1 My creativity seems to be part of an obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD); but this is only a theory. Whatever my OCD tendencies are, I have never regarded them as requiring treatment; they have become part of who I am. I accept them, as do members of my family, as a sort of eccentricity. These OCD tendencies have become more exacerbated since April 2007 after going on this most recent medication cocktail, this new medication regime, of sodium valproate(NAVAL) and effexor. My OCD behaviours can be and are quite frustrating to my wife with whom I have to interact frequently. At the moment my wife is the only person who has to deal with my OCD on a regular basis.

Emptying the garbage many times a day, doing the dishes to keep the counter in a pristine state, squaring all the bits of paper around the house, keeping my desk and all its papers in a highly organized state are among the several, indeed, the many examples that illustrate this OCD tendency. These manifestations of an OCD, hardly manifest most of my life at least not to any significant extent are now, as I say, outside the normal range of acceptable social behaviour, certainly from my wife?s point of view. I will say no more about OCD here. My wife was troubled by my irratic sleeping patterns for the first six months on my new medication package(5/08-12/08), an aspect of my BPD, but has come to accept them. My sleeping irregularities are a tangent to, although an important aspect of, my BPD. My psychiatrist says that, from his point of view, I do not even suffer from OCD. He, of course, has to deal with more extreme examples of its manifestation in his clinical practice. I shall, therefore, leave out further comment on this OCD. Excessive concern for sleep, its quantity and its patterns, is also a common symptom of BPD, but I shall also discuss this no more here as well since I have already wrriten about it extensively and I will say more on the subject later.....just some comments....Ron:wave4:
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