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I have been a Spiritualist for over 30 years. In recent years, I was seeing a Spiritualist counsellor and found that very helpful, but it was expensive. Since my dog is undergoing treatment, I can no longer afford to see her. My psychiatrist is excellent as well and is fine with trying different things.

I've been diagnosed as dissociative. I experience “other people” inside me. The psychiatric term for them is "alters". In Spiritualist terms, they are “attaching spirits”. Typically, in dissociative work, one tries either to “integrate” or to reach an amicable relationship with these inner people. I could never do that. It was only when I started working with them as spirits that it was possible.

Intellectually, I recognize that calling them spirits doesn’t necessarily change who or what they are, but my belief in them as spirits means I have been able to work with them in a more productive way. I also work in a very helpful way with my psychiatrist. She knows me very well and she prescribes medication that alleviates my experience of these internal people when they manifest through me. Still, I'm eager to do the Spiritualist counselling again.

I wish that I could do the same work alone but I don’t think I can. Working with the counsellor, it is me who brings through the spirits to communicate, not her, but I need the counsellor to hold the space for me in a way that feels safe and uplifted.

I wondered if others here had found support and healing specifically through a belief in spirits.

For now,



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What your talking about Amastie I am somewhat familiar with, through work experience. Can you see these alters as different aspects of yourself. Just that somewhere along the way your psychy needed to separate that part of yourself in order to survive. As you feel more comfortable with those aspects of yourself they may be easier to integrate them.

Hope this helps.


Thank you ladylore,

your words are gentle and kind. I went through a long period in which I did try to work with them as different aspects of myself, and trusted that that's what they were, but found that I couldn't work productively in that way. I found that my thinking of them as spirits, and working with the Spiritualist counsellor, enabled me to connect to them and do better healing work. A more integrative work.

Not that I feel bound always to see them as spirits. I still see my psychiatrist in whom I have very much confidence and I have informed myself about the nature of dissociation. For a long while, I participated in some excellent online forums for those who dissociate. They have fallen silent at present (though I could join another one when that feels right).

It was because of the helpfulness of the Spiritualist counselling that I asked if others have had that experience.

Like so many here, ladylore, you exude *such* a lovely presence that I feel very grateful for your offer of help.

I will keep your words in mind :)

Take good care,



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Aaaawwww! Thank you Amastie. :) :hug:

Personally, what works best for you works best for you. I grew up with the Native culture all around me so I am more then comfortable with Spirit Guides and the like.

Actually in my trauma therapy, through a set of visualizations I now have a safe place equipted with a Nurturer presence, a Protector presence and an Advisor presence. I go to the one I need the most at the time, sometimes I bring them all in at once.


Aaaawwww! Thank you Amastie. .. Personally, what works best for you works best for you....

You're welcome :hug: And I agree.

... I grew up with the Native culture all around me so I am more then comfortable with Spirit Guides and the like. ..
How lovely! And how helpful it is for me just to know that someone here is at home with such things as Spirit guides. Just to know that my thoughts are not entirely alone <feeling vulnerable, sigh>

...Actually in my trauma therapy, through a set of visualizations I now have a safe place equipted with a Nurturer presence, a Protector presence and an Advisor presence. I go to the one I need the most at the time, sometimes I bring them all in at once.

That's wonderful ladylore! It reminds me that, although I don't feel safe in doing exactly the same work alone that I was doing with my Spiritualist counsellor, I *can* call on my Spirit guides to be closer to support me. (I don't know why I keep forgetting that. Thanks for reminding me.)



(Knowing that I want as well to respond to the post by Jazzey now, and that these posts will be joined, I have used the line above to distinguish between them)

Hi Jazzey :)

just wanted you to know that your hearfelt words bring me close to tears so moved am I by your kindness.

Isn't it amazing how much kindness and warmth there *is* in these forums :)

Thank you very much,



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...You're very welcome Amastie - You've been a tremendous support to me too as of late. I'm glad that I can offer you some comfort.

And yes, I'm really touched by the warmth and kindness of people on psychlinks. I feel surrounded at a time in my life when I didn't think that I could feel that again.

So - thank you right back! ;)
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