More threads by Daniel E.

Daniel E.
From the American Statistical Association:

"Surprise your friends and family with a unique gift from the ASA Marketplace. The marketplace features T-shirts, outerwear, children’s clothing, and more."

They would be surprised, but not in a good way :teehee:

The only very interesting T-shirts there are for infants and toddlers: "Cutie π (pi)," "Dependent Variable" and "I'm Statistically Significant!"

And from the hallowed halls of Harvard:

YouTube - Statistics 303hf: The Techo-Mix


Oh dear, I love the ASA site and it really improved my mood for holiday shopping. The CSA does not appear to have such stuff for sale. I would be happily surprised but if you do not have too much money the stats booklet for women is only 1$ :thankyou2: Mari


I'm so disappointed. There was not a single 303 used. There was some 909s but not a single 303. I'm a sad panda. :(
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