More threads by Thelostchild

getting married in october
moving to colorado
getting off my medication
coping with medication levels
packing and taking a load down to colorado
moving the animals one states away (two horses,one dog,three cats)
gaining weight
finding a home in pueblo with 10 acreas
my honeys reversal
my divorce papers
will kevin respond hopefuly not
am i going to have a big or small wedding
where is the wedding going to be
wedding dress or not
going to college at csu
my job here in montana
am i going to get into trouble for saving a horse from getting ran over at work
transfering my credits from id to co
not doing my job good enough
not doing my dap notes good enough "not good enough"
going into a low down
sleeping alot

no im not scared to get married im very secure in my relationship, but getting married in october well i guess thats ok i guess thats the price you pay when an up coming job pops up in co and bites you in the :spam4: . and not to mention getting off of that awful effexor and starting on a small dose of celexa thats ok just put on a fake smile and pretend that everything is ok. i can't imagine moving two horses down to co a twelve hour drive without having land and if thats going to happen then im getting rid of my horse. gosh maybe im not good enough for my job i got talk to for leaving my youth to save a horse, yet my youth were within eye sight and with another staff. maybe im not aggresive enough for this job? am i good enough for any job, doen't seem that way ive been through so many. im just babling you don't have to reply to this message


Re: junk on my mind

I wouldn't call it 'junk'. I would call it pressing issues that you're mulling over and trying your best to figure out.
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