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I think its amazing how the brain out of the blue after struggling to remember something so long can just recall what you have been struggling to remember. Why and such a stupid thing to remember a doll"s name who cares really. This does not make sense it was an inanimate object plastic nothing yet it brings me to tears. How illogical the brain can be at times . It just makes me angry .


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Re: recall

The brain is a weird thing Mary. For me, it's a bikini that I loved when I was about 3 or 4 years old. But then decided that I couldn't wear it anymore because it was bad luck....I can still describe that bikini in full detail - but can't tell you anything else about my childhood, because I don't remember.


Re: recall

Maybe it is not so much about the actual doll or its name but what or who the doll represents. What was happening at that time of your life, who gave you the doll? Was it a protective doll etc.

Yes it is interesting how the mind can mess a lot of things up.
Re: recall

Everytime i think it is over there is no more the brain comes up with something else. I want this to stop already enough. I am getting paranoid again thinking my T is telling my memories to others. I do trust him but my brain is going nuts. I yell stop enough already but anger comes. I go to work soon thank god because there i have enough distractions to keep my mind busy. A bikini, a doll, the brain recalls some crazy things yet it blocks out crucial memories. thanks Halo and Jazzey just confused thats all take care and thanks for responses mary


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Take good care Mary. The memory is a tricky thing..Maybe we'll learn to use it to our advantage soon? :hug:


Hey Mary,

You know that the brain protects you against painful memories as well and won't just allow you to remember unless you work at it and believe that you are ready to deal with it and let it go. Maybe you are at a point in your life where you are Really ready to deal with everything because you are getting help from your T? You know he/she is there to help and you don't feel so alone?

Just a thought!

Take care!
Thanks HBas I know it is probably working with my T that all these memories are surfacing. I am just amazed at when i tried to remember say like the name of this stupid doll i couldn't it just wouldn't come. Then out of no where after telling my T something that night the name came to me and why i name it that. I still can't remember who gave it to me or how i got this doll it seemed to just show up with a cradle and clothes Little pieces are coming back but it doesn't matter i really don't want them to. As i said before all these memories happened to her not me I am a different person The brain is still protecting me as i can't seem to let go of that idea it was not me. It was to a child that was once so full of life and sunshine laughter then it all just stopped she went away. Mary
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