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I'm not sure why, but I suddenly have this urge to go buy a bottle of Jack Daniels, and thoughts that I should drink the entire bottle in the hopes that I won't wake up.

I haven't had a drop to drink since like July. I am not feeling down at the moment or anything either. What the hell is wrong with me?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Instead of giving into that urge, try sitting quietly with yourself, not focusing on anything specific, just letting whatever thoughts or feelings are there emerge and then being with them. The answer to your question is somewhere in there. Try to find it.
Lost in Thought

Congratualtions for doing such an amazing job of not giving into the urge to drink since July! That is a huge accomplishment!

Im sorry for the feelings you are going through right now, and i know fighting that feeling is very tough. I have given into my own urges with alcohol since quitting 5 years ago. I slipped up, regretted it, and was hungover and sick with my own guilt and depression for days. Its almost like I had to remind myself how much i hate alcohol. I had to just count it as a bad choice and learn from it. As i wrap presents and enjoy the season, my brain STILL tells me to "go ahead and enjoy a drink like everyone else", but im not everyone else. I will make mint hot chocolate with extra whip cream and know ill wake up with no guilt (unless im c ounting calories that day lol)
Good luck and I hope you can fight your urge...youll get through it...and tomorrow will be a new day! Again, you are doing an amazing job resisting so far!!:)

i think its normal to have days of missing it...


Instead of giving into that urge, try sitting quietly with yourself, not focusing on anything specific, just letting whatever thoughts or feelings are there emerge and then being with them. The answer to your question is somewhere in there. Try to find it.

Thanks again. I found this so helpful that I wrote it down on an index card to keep with me. I already know that it will help with alot of different things I struggle with.
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