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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Suzanne Somers, Cancer Expert
By BARRON H. LERNER, M.D., New York Times
February 25, 2011

Earlier this week, NBC?s Dateline devoted an entire hour on Sunday evening to allow the actress Suzanne Somers to express her rather unconventional beliefs about cancer.

It is not the first time a major media outlet has given air time to Ms. Somers, whose journey into the medical realm has been featured on a variety of news programs, talk shows and entertainment channels. A few years ago, Oprah Winfrey invited Ms. Somers on her show to share the secrets behind her youthful appearance ? a complex regimen of unregulated hormone creams and some 60 vitamins and supplements.

But is it entirely outrageous that respected media organizations continue to give the Three?s Company sitcom star a platform to dispense medical advice? Not really, in a world in which celebrities have become among the most recognizable spokespeople ? and sometimes experts ? about various diseases.

And Ms. Somers is just the latest in a long line of critics, celebrity and otherwise, who have challenged mainstream cancer therapy. In the 1940s and 1950s, for example, an insurance salesman named Harry Hoxsey recommended a botanical treatment made from roots and bark. Well known physician Dr. Andrew Ivy promoted krebiozen, which was derived from the serum of horses. Thousands of cancer patients spent substantial money on these nostrums, both of which were worthless. At the time, Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor of The Journal of the American Medical Association, called the people who promoted them ?cancer quacks? and labeled them ?vicious? and ?unprincipled.?

That these alternatives to traditional cancer treatments gained popularity after World War II is not surprising. In that era, cancer surgeons and radiation therapists became extremely aggressive in their efforts to remove or kill every last cancer cell. These treatments were extremely toxic, and most patients died anyway. Cancer patients were understandably searching for alternatives.

By the 1970s, celebrities were going public with their cancer stories, including former actress and diplomat Shirley Temple Black and First Lady Betty Ford, both of whom were candid about their breast cancers. But it was the case of another celebrity with cancer, the actor Steve McQueen, that again focused attention on unorthodox therapy. In March 1980, the National Enquirer accurately reported that Mr. McQueen was undergoing treatment in Mexico for mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the lung, that his doctors had termed incurable.

Later that fall, one of Mr. McQueen?s Mexican doctors held a press conference in which he announced that the treatment, consisting of dozens of vitamins, minerals and pancreatic enzymes, a reputed anticancer substance from apricot pits known as laetrile and detoxifying coffee enemas, was curing McQueen. It was not true. Mr. McQueen died of his cancer the next month. Nevertheless, thousands of cancer patients retraced his path to Mexico in search of a fruitless cure.

Now comes Ms. Somers, who, after receiving surgery and radiation for her breast cancer in 2001, declined chemotherapy in favor of a drug made from mistletoe extract.
Ms. Somers has since written a book, Knockout, which relates her experiences with cancer and promotes several modern unorthodox physicians, including Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. Houston-based Dr. Burzynski has treated over 10,000 cancer patients with naturally-occurring proteins that he calls antineoplastons. New York City?s Dr. Gonzalez, who has gained notoriety for his use of coffee enemas, actually uses a regimen similar to that given to Steve McQueen, although without the laetrile. The Food and Drug Administration has not approved either treatment, although the agency has given orphan drug status to antineoplastons for the treatment of certain brain tumors, a designation used to foster research of rare diseases. And the National Institutes of Health provided a $1.4 million grant to study Dr. Gonzalez?s cancer protocol.

The most compelling thing about Dr. Burzynski and Dr. Gonzalez are the patients they label as ?cured.? When I interviewed Dr. Gonzalez for a book on famous patients, I met several who had been told by mainstream oncologists that they had incurable cancer but who were very much alive five, 10 or even 20 years later.

Yet it is hard to know what to make of these anecdotes, however powerful they are. Medicine relies on formal scientific studies, and neither antineoplastons nor Dr. Gonzalez?s regimen has ever been proven to be of value. Indeed, a recent study published in The Journal of Clinical Oncology showed that pancreatic cancer patients on average survived nearly 10 months longer with standard chemotherapy as opposed to what Dr. Gonzalez prescribes.

It may be that patients who experience long-term survival after unorthodox treatment were misdiagnosed or have cancers that regress by themselves, a known phenomenon. Or it may be that the type of patient who has the time and money to pursue these alternative treatments is a healthier patient to start with. It is impossible to be sure.

So why does Ms. Somers promote these unproven therapies? She said she believes that oncologists do not inform end-stage cancer patients about nontraditional options, and that such people deserve to know.

Here Ms. Somers may have a point. Although oncologists are surely under no obligation to promote therapies they believe are useless or harmful, patients ? especially those who want to explore every possible avenue ? have the right to know that there are unorthodox cancer therapies that some people believe are helpful.

But not without several caveats, and that is where Ms. Somers, and many of those in the media who discuss her books and views, have failed. Ms. Somers says she is promoting hope, but false hope benefits no one.

Many people with end-stage cancer are, understandably, desperate, and thus potentially vulnerable to a sales pitch ? even an expensive one. But here is a case when an informed patient may truly be a wiser patient. Perhaps if doctors were more willing to address the fact that these nontraditional treatments exist, and share what we do and don?t know about their effectiveness, an actress like Ms. Somers would have less influence, and science would override celebrity.

Barron H. Lerner, M.D., professor of medicine and public health at Columbia University Medical Center, is the author of When Illness Goes Public: Celebrity Patients and How We Look at Medicine.


My day was going good until I read this BS. Somers has done more harm than good. She is in the vanguard of medical misinformation, yet there is no one to police this nonsense. Rest in peace critical tried your best.


And no one declares it more than her!:lol:....................and another thing.....Oprah...............when will the world wake up? CBC in Canada has a weekly show called 'The Art of Persuasion'. It looks in depth how marketing works, and why. Google it.


I'm not sure about Oprah's thighs. I'm sure they are fabulous too. That woman drives me up the wall...further. How do I know that the art of persuasion isn't just the same thing? lol Just teasing, I will check it out.
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