More threads by Puzzler



Thank you for checking out this thread. I am here hoping to find people who share similar experiences to mine, so I thought I'd divulge some non-identifying facts.

I am 30 and was diagnosed a year ago with ADHD, Anxiety and Depression. I am currently taking 40mg Biphentin daily without much result, attending an outpatient mental health program seven hours per week, and seeing a psychologist who specializes in ADHD 1-3 hours per month. Clinicians at the outpatient program find my reported and observed condition also consistent with PTSD and some, probably mild, dissociation, so they are treating me for that too. I am a full-time student in an intense professional program, on top of some work and volunteer, which made me reluctant to start treatment with potentially severe side-effects while school is in session. My psychiatrist scheduled our next appointment for June, so that we can re-evaluate once the term ends.

Meeting folks who have a touch more wisdom than I have so far about these or related matters would be a bonus. I appreciate the opportunity to tell a bit about myself and look forward to learning what I can about each of you.



Welcome to Psychlinks, Puzzler and thanks for joining us. Commendations on your courage and determination to manage and better understand your symptoms!

Psychlinks has a Forum section dedicated to discussions and information about ADHD HERE you may care to look through.

One of the best online resources for ADHD I have found, and use frequently, is ADDitude Magazine that provides a wealth of information in the form of articles, webinars and lots of downloadable material to help understand the differences between your ADHD brain and neurotypicals.

When did you first become aware that you might benefit from medical intervention?

What kind of volunteer work are you involved with?


Hi. When I started really struggling in the first year of my current program, it occurred to me those recurring problems ever since childhood that I had thought were isolated incidents may be a pattern. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition as a child, a mild liver condition at 18, and migraines in 2013, but when I explained my experiences to an accessibility advisor, she saw signs of attentional difficulties and recommended a full assessment. That led to referrals for medical intervention.
I volunteer right now at an office that serves low income people in need of help related to my studies. I grew up in poverty, by Canadian standards, and I want people to get what they need. Everyone benefits when fewer people suffer.
Just want to also welcome you to Psychlinks Puzzler and to also say i think it is wonderful how you are helping people who either wise would not get the care they need.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome, Puzzler! Hope that the info or conversations or support at Psychlinks will help you along your way. :)


I was diagnosed with the same disorders some time ago. Medication was a break through and therapy is a must supplement. Over time the effect of medication does wane and that is where the cognitive and behavioral work comes in. No one said it would be easy but I am better for the course I have taken.
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