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Slowly, I have noticed my energy level fade. That doesn't mean my commitments, responsibilities or deadlines have slowed. So I get overwhelmed and sometimes don't even know where to start to get a handle or control on things. If anything, the big 3 can come at me in waves and I want to tackle everything at once and usually end up burning myself out. I would just like a simpler life with a little more order to it.


Slowly, I have noticed my energy level fade....doesn't mean my commitments, responsibilities or deadlines have slowed.... So I get overwhelmed

Do you find there aren't enough hours in the day to get done the things you need to do?

Chores and obligations are like monkeys on your back. You can handle one, two maybe three, but if you suddenly have fifteen monkeys on your back, your ability to function is compromised.

There may be some options, such as delegating some of the duties to reduce the number of those pesky monkeys, or refuse to take on additional tasks.

Do you have difficulty saying "No" when asked to take on another duty?

Finally there is time planning and goal setting.

List your tasks on a forced choice ranking priority. Separate the list into what needs to be done athose that would be nice to get done.

Focusing on the "need to be done" list, delegate as much as you can, then set reasonable time schedules for their completion.

You may have to negotiate some extensions for time for some of them, but most important is to schedule some time for yourself..time off, to get away, spend time with your family, walk the dog, smell the roses.

By balancing your work with personal time, and allowing sufficient time to complete your tasks, the pressure should ease and hopefully your energy level might return.

BTW..are you eating three balance and nourishing meals and drinking plenty of water...getting some exercise during the day?


Thanks for the advice Steve. Prioritizing and time management is where I need the most help. Do you know of any resources on these subjects?


Prioritizing and time management Do you know of any resources on these subjects?

Try this as a place to start.

Perhaps if you could give us some specific circumstances in your life that seem to require prioritizing and time management, we might have further suggestions.

Is it work or home related? Are you referring to personal financial obligations and deadlines or job related obligations and deadlines?
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