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National Fibromyalgia Association: The FM Diet: Eating for a Better Quality of Life
The FM Diet: Eating for a Better Quality of Life
Friday, November 30, 2007

There has been little information available from the scientific community on nutrition and diet for people with fibromyalgia. Research has not yet proven that any specific foods affect FM, positively or negatively. But we do know that eating a good balanced diet helps everyone’s body function at its best. Good nutrition can help in your health and healing. Eating healthful foods, including those low in fat and high in immunity-boosting antioxidants and phytochemicals, may work together to help maximize energy and alertness and minimize constant fatigue and lethargy.

Many people have been able to manage their FM symptoms by changing their lifestyle and diet. Mary Moeller, author of The Fibromyalgia Cookbook and speaker on FM, now has her FM symptoms under control because she made a few changes in her lifestyle. To reach this ideal she advocates eliminating four foods completely from your diet:

  • Chocolate
  • Carbonated beverages
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
Along with changes in nutrition, she encourages stretching, exercising, and drinking at least eight glasses of water a day. Also, in Mary Moeller and Joe Elrod’s book, The Fibromyalgia Nutrition Guide, they advocate a more complete list in order to overcome fatigue and feel your best. The 12 items to avoid are:

  • High fat dairy foods
  • White sugar and white flour
  • Fried foods
  • Preservatives, junk food, and salt
  • Red meat (especially salt cured bacon, smoked, or nitrate cured
  • Coffee and caffeinated teas
  • Colas, soda pop, and carbonated beverages
  • Liquid with your meals
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • All forms of tobacco
  • Prolonged periods of direct sunrays
  • Nutrasweet and saccharine
Along with Mary Moeller and others, I also have enjoyed the benefits of better health after quitting carbonated beverages and coffee. Before, I would have my Diet Coke and coffee in order to get me out of bed in the morning. As a result I was very hyper, and then about two hours later or so I would crash and be very tired and fatigued. So I would pump more caffeine and Diet Coke down to get me moving again. As a result I would spike, crash, spike, crash. My energy level was on a continual roller coaster of highs and lows. Since quitting I have enjoyed a nice steady stream of constant energy all day long. When I first heard of eliminating sodas I was mortified. I thought I was doing extremely well to only allow myself one or two Cokes a day, and to give them up—why, I thought, “Never!” But little by little I finally weaned myself off, and boy am I glad I did. I have so much more energy.

Some unsubstantiated studies claim that carbonated beverages leak phosphorus from your bones, and the aspartame (Nutrasweet) in sodas cause memory loss. Others have claimed the sugar in carbonated beverages (some as many as 12-14 teaspoons) may contribute to yeast problems.

Caffeine in soda and other beverages is a diuretic, which means you need to drink additional water to replace the lost water. Scientists at Washington State University found that caffeine makes people lose calcium in their urine faster than they usually do. Caffeine can also put added stress on the adrenal glands and the liver. Since many FM sufferers may have adrenal malfunction due to chronic stress and inadequate nutrition, it is probably wise to avoid the caffeine and carbonated drinks.

I know that at times I eat more food or sugar as a way of dealing with stress or handling challenging problems that arise. When I do this, it puts added stress on my adrenal glands. Adrenaline released from the adrenal gland penalizes the body and can cause acute symptoms. By burning too much sugar your body may deplete its vitamins and minerals especially the B vitamins. Adrenaline has even been known to be responsible for some panic attacks.

If you subject your body to highly refined, over-processed foods, sugar, caffeine, pork, junk food, highly processed starches, additives and preservatives, and highly acid foods, it is possible that your body will suffer because of an already compromised immune system that may be found in many FM sufferers.

Most processed foods are full of additives, preservatives, colorings, salt, and sugar. Fried foods and salt have been found to aggravate pain or swelling in some people with FM. By the way, most drinks purchased at a store have been processed—including soda, bottled juices, coffee, alcohol, and others. Since many people with FM are sensitive to food, drugs, chemicals, and pollutants in the environment anyway, it is important we do not subject our bodies to more than what’s necessary.

Even many non-processed foods or “natural” foods can be hazardous to the health of people with FM. Chocolate is high in fat and caffeine. According to Mark Pellegrino in his book, Fibro Survivor, reducing fatty intake could increase energy. Don’t be fooled when buying dietary chocolate, which has no added sugar. Although the sugar may have been replaced by Mannitol or Nutrasweet,the fat caloric content still remains high. Therefore a low-fat diet is recommended. This means chocolate should not be ingested or should be eaten in moderation.

Certain foods have been found to cause fatigue. Doctors concluded in Annals of Rheumatic Disease that in certain individuals some foods aggravate arthritis. Often, foods that are acidic are the culprit. Therefore an arthritic diet is one that remains alkaline. Some people with FM find that highly acidic foods such as citric, foods in the nightshade family like tomato, potato, eggplant, and peppers, red meat, cow milk products, brown and white wheat flour products, sugar containing foods, coffee, and chocolate all seem to trigger more muscle pain.

Different foods affect each individual person differently. For instance, some people with FM have severe food allergies for dairy, wheat, corn, nightshade family plants, etc., whereas others do not. You can discover your own food sensitivity by eliminating foods that trigger pain. Keeping a food diary can help. In your diary write down everything that goes into your mouth and at the same time track your FM pain. By comparing the two you may discover that certain foods may trigger allergies or pain. It has been found that food allergies may undermine your nutrient uptake.

In a 1992 study reported in the book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia, by Paul St. Amand M.D. and Claudia Marek, it states that 60 percent of FM patients of normal weight crave carbohydrates, and 75 percent of obese people with FM crave carbohydrates.

However, cravings for carbohydrates are not limited to FM sufferers and therefore, can’t be considered a unique characteristic of individuals suffering from FM.

Some people with FM have a low carbohydrate intolerance or reactive hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) that occurs after eating carbohydrates. This can cause problems metabolizing carbohydrates, inability to lose weight, fatigue, carbohydrate craving and worsening symptoms. Carbohydrates stimulate insulin production. Excess insulin can cause an increased uptake of sugar into muscle and liver, which can be stored as fatty acids in fat cells, and prevent carbs from being used.

There are nutritional strategies to help people with FM. Dr. Mark Pellegrino says that because of the biochemical changes in people who have fibromyalgia, it makes good medical sense to try a low-carb, high-protein diet. Protein diets can decrease cravings, increase energy, lose weight, and help with hypoglycemia. Pellegrino suggests watching carbs like bread, potatoes and refined sugars. There are many fad protein diets like Sugar Busters, the Zone, Atkins and others. However, Pellegrino says that some people with FM do not tolerate a protein diet as well as others, so experiment and find what dietary plan works for you.

Dr. August believes that a 30/30/40 ratio of carbohydrate, fat, and protein enables people with FM to reach their optimum weight with maximum health. Hypoglycemia and low-carb intolerance can be controlled by diet. Dr. August advocates the Zone Diet (Sears and Lawren, 1995). However, there is strong evidence that the Zone Diet “works” mainly because of the reduction in total caloric intake with little or nothing to do with the release of insulin. There are some excellent websites that present pro and con arguments over the Zone and other low carb/high protein/high fat diets:

Your cells must receive nourishment and eliminate wastes. When you start to eat healthful foods, you may find that you crave sugar, fat, starch, and processed foods. This is a normal occurrence due to a physiological change in your body’s chemistry. During the transition time, try not to indulge in sugar, fat, and processed foods. These cravings will become fewer and further between as time goes on. Of course, people who do not suffer from FM also have the same cravings; therefore, we are not unique.

People with FM need to take extra care to eat well. Try to incorporate raw foods into your diet. I try to eat a piece of raw fruit or vegetable for breakfast and a raw vegetable or salad for lunch. Raw foods contain enzymes that can assist in the digestion of foods. Raw foods are full of antioxidants and phytochemicals that help boost the immune system. If you have a juicer, fresh carrot juice is a wonderful addition to incorporate into your lifestyle. Many people have claimed to heal cancer along with an array of diseases by eating raw foods and drinking carrot juice. Of course, most of these claims are testimonials with little scientific research to back the use of raw foods to prevent chronic disease. Along with vegetables and fruits, omega 3 fish oil contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Eating well does not mean you have to starve yourself or totally eliminate all the foods you love. Rather make small gradual changes and focus on the foods you enjoy.

Eating well may help reduce the fatigue and maximize energy. Incorporate variety, balance and moderation. Improve your health by reevaluating your overall eating habits and try making your diet more nutritious. Your body has been wonderfully and marvelously designed. Do you allow it to run as efficiently as possible?

The phytochemicals present in vegetables and fruits have been shown to have a protective effect against many chronic diseases including heart disease and cancer the second most prevalent killers in the U.S. These same phytochemicals may help reduce the pain response among people with FM.
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