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Hello, my name is Aj and i'm a college student in Massachusetts. I thinking about starting to spread awareness about the negative effects of stigmatizing mental illness. For alot of people its like the third rail and I think education and awareness will help.

I dont' want to just hand out information about the biological underpinnings, or the symptoms, I want to expose them to people but I dont think thats enough. I came across an article where people gathered personal testimones and experiences with the stigma of mental illness and it seemed to have good results.

I am doing this on my own as of now so I dont have the resources to go out and do a big questionaire or go on an investigative hunt. Soo I am going to mental health forums and asking people for their testimones and if I can use them to increase the awareness.

As of now I am not exactly sure on the exact mode but I think once I start hearing more peoples stories i'll be able to come up with something, suggestions are also welcomed. Thanks for taking the time to read this
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