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Just a reminder of this age old ritual ! I love these continuing pagan celebrations !!

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Wiltshire | Hundreds celebrate shortest day
Hundreds celebrate shortest day

Celebrating Winter Solstice

In Pictures: Winter Solstice

Hundreds of druids, pagans and tourists have flocked to Stonehenge in Wiltshire to celebrate the Winter Solstice early on Sunday morning.

The pagan tradition celebrates the shortest day of the year.

About 1,900 people, some dressed in cloaks and robes, saw the sunrise at the prehistoric site. The Summer Solstice can attract more than 20,000.

Rupert Irving, 28, from Cirencester, said Stonehenge was "spectacular" and that the "sky was beautiful".

"It was a shame the sun was not up but the sky was really nice with shades of blue and orange. It was a really nice backdrop to the stones," he said.

"It's a religious festival for some people and it's great to be a part of it, and they don't mind, there's such a great atmosphere."
Re: the winter solstice in Stonehenge

thanks for posting that WP i would love to go to something like that it would be awesome:)
Re: the winter solstice in Stonehenge

It is glorious in Stonehenge , I assisted at a summer solstice there many years ago , and it was so magical and timeless , Just totally awesome . :)
Re: the winter solstice in Stonehenge

wow your lucky to have done that, having agoraphobia stops me doing so many things I would love to go there and Avebury too:)


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I'll join the two of you in expressing my wish to some day see Stonehenge. It's always had an appeal for me. I'm jealous you got to go WP....not quite Walmart! :)
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