More threads by gooblax

Righto. I've thought up a game.
To participate, you can attempt one activity on the list, or a similar activity of your own choice (so really the list is just here for a couple of ideas :)). The whole activity need not be completed all at once, because the point is trying to do it (though of course, finishing things is always good). There's no time frame, and the only other rule is that if the activity is not helpful/fun/interesting/practical or if it's just not a good time to be doing it, then there is absolutely no pressure to continue that activity. And one can always choose more than one activity if one desires!

Level One
Sing/play a song
Listen to music
Look through a photo album
Play with a pet
Play a computer game
Watch a movie

Level Two
Write a poem/story
Paint/draw/sketch a picture
Make a sculpture
Compose a song
Play a board game with friends/family
Read a book

Level Three
Go for a walk
Smile at an acquaintance or stranger
Call/email/message/write a letter to a friend or family member
Sit in the park
Make a meal for some friends (way to go Jazzey! :cool2:)
Shop for a treat for yourself

Okay, there are a few ideas, but I know everyone can think of some alternatives that sound more appealing to them. The challenge is out there - if you're interested, then let's see how we go!


Account Closed
Hey Gooblax,
I took the liberty of giving this post it's own thread. Its a great game!:wink:

I got to level 1. :yahoo: Listened to music.


Daniel E.
then there is absolutely no pressure

Reverse psychology? :D

Seriously, I like the idea of having different levels, with exercise being at level 3 and watching a movie being at level 1.

I am continuing to do some "Spring cleaning" and selling my old books at Amazon, so I consider that level 3 :)
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I played with my doggie last night.
Now I'm "reading" a book....for homework though, no time to read for fun. Once exams are done I can definitely do and will read for fun!
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