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aaaggghhgh!!!!!!!!!! Ditto,, ive got to havemy haircut on sat morning, im the first one but I know it will still be busy its there last day before xmas, they will have christmas music playing and the girls/women there dress up, i just want my hair done be glad when its over!!


I actually went and got my hair cut last Saturday to avoid the last minute rush and although it was busy it didn't take long. To avoid having to listen to the Christmas music that was playing I kept myself busy by reading a magazine. Maybe that would work for you too TTE. If you take a good book or a magazine on Budgies with you it may help to relieve some stress while getting your hair done? Just a thought??
I wish my hair could wait till after xmas but I look like a mop at the moment!! I wish I could take my portable cd and listen to my own music but I always feel thats ignorant especially when my hairdresser likes to chat a bit and she is okay, its just the christmas thing, she will be asking me what im doing, who im spending it with etc, same old thing I wish i could come up with some novel answers:)
I felt sick this morning about going but I got there, and got there early in the hope she would do my hair before it got to packed in there and she did, just as she was finishing with me the place was filling up, christmas music blaring out getting chaotic i was glad to get out and get home, feel calmer now thats over.



I am glad that you went and got it over with. Good thinking on going a bit early to see if you could get in and out before the place became chaotic. Smart woman you are :goodjob:

Thanks Nancy:) Now ive got to get through today and tomorrow, like TL says and were all home free,,, I think my aniexty level might fall. I know the people in the flat under me make alot of noise they usually do at christmas, have visitors and im feeling quite sensitive so will have to deal with that

just mary

Just thought I would post and wish you all the best TTE, less than 48 hours now. :)

I wish I could enjoy Christmas more, the meaning behind it is quite beautiful - why did we have to turn it into a money-making proposition? When did it turn into a pressure cooker?
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