I guess I'm like everyone here, something is bothering me and no one close enough to bounce a thought. I am unemployed and too young to retire. For the past seven years I am spending what was saved for retirement on self employment because no company will offer a job to someone with my skills without a college degree. When did that become a law?
The first gig died after three years due to weak networking skills. Most of my business contacts retired and the area I supported dealt in classified material. They compensated me well enough to keep things going today. The following gig's compensation dropped to nothing and I had used all my skills to make it work. I offered to assist them for free in hope of their appreciation as they began to see positive results of my work. They are now selling the business and my efforts for compensation has failed.
As I waited this out I started another gig that is labor intensive. I now find that the large jobs are going unpaid or going in way under a fair bid. When I catch the mistake before I start, I end up still doing the work too the highest quality. When that happens I have already spent way more time than what is estimated. I find it impossible to confront them after the job is done. Sometimes I just walk away and they never call; no thank-you. Why should I feel unworthy of fair compensation for the work I provided?
I am very slowly improving my records to stop this decline. It is hard to find time when there are now a line people that have beat a path to my door.
The first gig died after three years due to weak networking skills. Most of my business contacts retired and the area I supported dealt in classified material. They compensated me well enough to keep things going today. The following gig's compensation dropped to nothing and I had used all my skills to make it work. I offered to assist them for free in hope of their appreciation as they began to see positive results of my work. They are now selling the business and my efforts for compensation has failed.
As I waited this out I started another gig that is labor intensive. I now find that the large jobs are going unpaid or going in way under a fair bid. When I catch the mistake before I start, I end up still doing the work too the highest quality. When that happens I have already spent way more time than what is estimated. I find it impossible to confront them after the job is done. Sometimes I just walk away and they never call; no thank-you. Why should I feel unworthy of fair compensation for the work I provided?
I am very slowly improving my records to stop this decline. It is hard to find time when there are now a line people that have beat a path to my door.