More threads by suewatters1


Resident Canuck
I am glad you got medical attention for your cut. With the stiches it will heal up better than not having them.

I understand the worry about it healing properly. I was cutting a while back too. I was wearing long sleeve shirts in the summer at work, trying to hid the band-aids on my arms. I was only cutting at work for some reason. I eventually went to the doctor for a tetnis shot cause of how much I was cutting, she had told me I should have had stiches in a few of the cuts on my arm, but I didn't. I was afraid too, to go to the hospital.

It has been close to a year now since I cut. Knock on wood :fool:
Glad to hear it has been a year of recovery. Keep up the good work.

I know they ask me at the hospital if I am due for another tetanus shot. I said yes but I am not allowed any vaccinations due to another medical problem I have. So if I get hurt for any reason like I did last year fell and got a black eye and scrapes and they wanted to give me a tetanus shot I said no I can't have one. It should be on my medical files at the hospital on their computers.

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