More threads by Daniel E.

Daniel E.
Simpson's paradox: "a phenomenon in probability and statistics, in which a trend appears in several different groups of data but disappears or reverses when these groups are combined."

Daniel E.
What Children Around the World Eat for Lunch at School

South Korea:
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"The system of planning school meals in South Korea is one of the best in the world. The two biggest sections of the tray are usually for soup and rice. Smaller sections are for salads, seafood, veggies, and fruit. Thin children are given fish oil in a measuring spoon. Popular dishes: kimchi, sesame leaves stuffed with rice and covered with honey sauce, pumpkin potato soup, pancakes with green onions, pepper and octopus, and a cucumber and carrot salad."


"This is how school lunch in Virginia looks. Peaches, corn, chicken, pizza and salad. Dishes are quite different in American schools. Most of the time it’s fast food and convenience food that children really like: nuggets, French fries, burgers. Parents also give children a lunchbox to take to school."

Screenshot_2019-05-28 Hillary Howell on Instagram “I hope the other teachers didn't notice h...png

"This is a lunch served in a school in the west of France. Fish, spinach, potatoes, cheese, and bread. It’s considered to be the main meal of the day. The lunch break is one to two hours long. Students are also allowed to go home for lunch during this break."

Daniel E.
Countries With The Most Pet Cats Globally -

Japan (7.25 million)

Japanese people have a longstanding and loving relationship with cats. The affection towards cats is so great in the country that Japanese art and literature has scores of examples where the cat is the primary subject. The country even has its own ‘Cat Island’, namely Tashirojima Island in Ishinomaki City, where cats thrive in large numbers, and are often seen welcoming boats to the city's port. This Island also has a cat shrine, the Neko-jinja, where cats are worshiped with the hope that they will bring good luck. Another cat paradise in Japan is the Aoshima Island, in Shikoku, where the cat to human ratio is almost 100:15! These islands also serve as popular tourist spots for cat lovers from around the world. Besides these, many cities and towns of Japan also thrive in terms cat populations, and a large number of Japanese people own cats as pets. Hence, cat salons, cafeterias, and pet food shops are also found in abundance in these cities and towns. The total cat population of Japan is estimated to be around 7.25 million.

A Visit to Aoshima, a Japanese - The Atlantic



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Daniel E.
Aging of Japan - Wikipedia

In the 1980s 60% to 70% of young people in their 20s were in a relationship. In 2017 young people (20s) in a relationship are a minority.

The average farmer in Japan is 70 years old, and while about a third of construction workers are 55 or older, including many who expect to retire within the next ten years, only one in ten are younger than 30.

Japan's population is aging faster than any other country on the planet.

In contrast to Japan, a more open immigration policy has allowed Australia, Canada, and the United States to grow their workforce despite low fertility rates.

Daniel E.
innatus - Wiktionary


Perfect active participle of innāscor (“grow; arise, originate in”).


English: innate (borrowed)
French: inné (borrowed)
Italian: innato
Portuguese: inato (borrowed)
Old French: enné
Spanish: innato (borrowed)

Daniel E.
Personal finances of professional American athletes - Wikipedia

"There's a far shorter peak earnings period than in any other profession". Black Enterprise reported in 2003 that "the average career span for professional basketball, football, and baseball is a mere 4.5 years, 3.2 years, and under five years, respectively." A 2007 study found that, excluding pitchers, rookie Major League Baseball players' careers last for 5.6 years on average.

Daniel E.
Rubber duck debugging

In software engineering, rubber duck debugging is a method of debugging code. The name is a reference to a story in the book The Pragmatic Programmer in which a programmer would carry around a rubber duck and debug their code by forcing themselves to explain it, line-by-line, to the duck.



Personal finances of professional American athletes - Wikipedia

"There's a far shorter peak earnings period than in any other profession". Black Enterprise reported in 2003 that "the average career span for professional basketball, football, and baseball is a mere 4.5 years, 3.2 years, and under five years, respectively." A 2007 study found that, excluding pitchers, rookie Major League Baseball players' careers last for 5.6 years on average.

It's pays to be a Major League Baseball player.Salaries range from $550,000 to $35 million for the 850-plus players on opening-day rosters and injured lists, according to USA TODAY Sports' annual MLB salary survey.

I think NHL minimum wage is over $750K I wouldn't cry to much form the few poor players that have to accept such a measly income to support the 10$ Million plus salaries of a few.

The majority of half decent players play an average of 10+ years and even little guys make 2 million + in the NHL and the NBA has the highest per game salaries of all professional sports.

Football players get exhorbitant salaries signed but there's a catch they ain't garanteed like NBA NHL and MLB!
NFL They sign you for 4 years at x$ and if you don't play you pretty much get your signing bonus and thats about all.
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