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Daniel E.
The story behind the meme:

Jonathan Goldsmith - Wikipedia

Beginning in April 2007 and continuing through 2015, Goldsmith had been featured in a high-profile television ad campaign, promoting Dos Equis beer. The campaign, which transformed Goldsmith into "the most interesting man in the world", has been credited for helping to fuel a 15.4 percent sales increase for the brand in the United States in 2009 and also made him into a very popular meme.

Goldsmith landed the Dos Equis gig by auditioning for the role. Auditioners were given the ending line "...and that's how I arm wrestled Fidel Castro" and asked to improvise. Goldsmith began his audition by removing one sock and then improvised for 30 minutes before reaching the concluding line. The character was inspired by his deceased sailing partner and friend Fernando Lamas.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I was just adding a medical appointment to my calendar and I noticed an auto entry for Juneteenth on Friday June 19.

I had never heard of this but apparently it is a state holiday (in 46 of the 50 states only):

  • marking the emancipation of the last remaining enslaved African Americans in the Confederacy
  • serving to foster the exploration and celebration of African-American history and heritage

Juneteenth - Wikipedia

Daniel E.
“There are as many atoms in one molecule of DNA as there are stars in a typical galaxy.”

~ Carl Sagan

Daniel E.
Sweden's stinky tradition
June 5, 2012

This is the time of year when Swedes crack open tins of fermented Baltic herring called surströmming (sour herring) – a stinky culinary tradition that dates back several centuries and is often likened to the smell of eggs rotting in open sewage drains.

Daniel E.
A suspected gas leak in Australia caused an evacuation in May 2019 at a university library.

It turned out to be smelly fruit:

Durian fruit stink prompts university evacuation - CNN

The spiky fruit's flavor and creamy texture has made it popular throughout Southeast Asia, but its odor has gained it many detractors. Singapore has prohibited the fruit in its subway system, and many hotels ban durians because of the notorious smell -- which some critics have likened to rotten food or dirty socks.

Daniel E.
The Principles of Psychology - Wikipedia

[William] James introduced a new theory of emotion (later known as the James–Lange theory), which argued that an emotion is instead the consequence rather than the cause of the bodily experiences associated with its expression. In other words, a stimulus causes a physical response and an emotion follows the response. This theory has received criticism throughout the years since its introduction, but regardless, it still has its merits.

Daniel E.
Douglas Rain - Wikipedia

Douglas James Rain (March 13, 1928 – November 11, 2018) was a Canadian actor and narrator. Though primarily a stage actor, he provided the voice of the HAL 9000 computer for the film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and its sequel, 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)...

Initially Kubrick decided to cast Rain as the voice of the HAL 9000 computer for the film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) after hearing his narration of a short documentary called Universe and later chose him as "the creepy voice of HAL".

Daniel E.
"When you examine the numbers, the British have a slight edge on social mobility over Americans. A child born into a family in the bottom 20th percentile of income levels has an 11.4 percent chance of making it to the top 20th percentile in the U.K.—as compared with a 7.8 percent chance in the United States. Tellingly, Americans are much more likely to overestimate social mobility in their country, even though the middle class has grown in Britain while it has shrunk in the United States. Much of Britain’s relative success on that front has been driven by traditional equalizers such as universal health care and low-cost higher education."


Daniel E.
"For a normal hen to lay 12 eggs they need to consume roughly four pounds of feed." (source)

A premium, name-brand bag of layer feed costs about $17 USD for 50 pounds. So that comes to 34 cents for a pound of feed.

So for a dozen eggs from backyard chickens, the cost in feed would be $1.36 USD.

(It's another reason people give scraps to their chickens since feed is not exactly cheap. And in the winter, hens lay a lot less due to less sunlight and can eat more to stay warm, so the "profits" are often negative in the winter.)
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Daniel E.
New Caledonian Crows Are Even Smarter and Scarier Than We Thought

In a paper published Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports, a team of researchers showed evidence that New Caledonian crows, which have been observed making several types of tools out of sticks, may be able to build tools from memory — even if they have only seen the tool itself and haven’t ever seen the tool being constructed. This suggests that crows can form a “mental template” of tools based on other crows’ tools and their own past tools, which would explain why New Caledonian crows’ tools could have improved over time.
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